Best of ESMO Asia 2024
ESMO Asia is an annual congress focused on multidisciplinary oncology in the Asian region. ESMO Asia 2024 was held from 6-8 December in Singapore.
The event provided a platform for participants to share and discuss the latest research findings, clinical trials, and treatment strategies in the field. It brought together oncologists, researchers, healthcare professionals, and industry representatives from Asia and around the world.
ESMO Asia 2024 featured scientific sessions covering a wide range of topics related to oncology, including advances in cancer research, new treatment modalities, and discussions on the management of specific types of cancer. Its educational sessions offered in-depth training and insights into specific aspects of oncology, ensuring that participants gained practical knowledge they could apply in their daily practice.
Healthcare Professionals and Organizations shared about this Conference on Social Media:
“ESMO Asia24: Early results from a phase IIIb TOURMALINE trial support 30-minute infusions of immunotherapy with some advantages for patients with advanced Biliary Tract Cancer.”
“Thrilled to meet these lovely individuals who keep the YOC of ESMO fun, active, informative and energetic at ESMO Asia 2024.”
“While EVP is better than platinum based chemotherapy in advanced bladder cancer, the debate whether cisplatin is much better than carbo goes on. Here we show cisplatin combines a bit better with pembro than carbo. Matt Galsky maybe winning ESMO Asia 2024.”
“Let’s start with ESMO ASIA24. Interesting and interactive discussion about oligometastatic RCC with some friends and colleagues from Asia and Europe. Thanks to Darren Poon and Marniza.”
“Lots of super sessions for Young Oncologists this year at ESMO Asia24, Great opportunity to meet & talk with some amazing international experts.
Any YOs here, please make sure to check them out or drop by and say hello.”
“Best travel companion to ESMO Asia24! Michael Gibson before and after our 22+ hour flight! Still smiling.”
“Very honoured to be representing Medical Oncology Group of Australia at ESMO Asia24. One of our own Georgina Longdoing a fantastic job as the Scientific co-chair.”
“Future of ADCs in NSCLC looks more promising for EGFRm NSCLC Pooled analysis TROPION Lung01 and 05 evaluating datopotamab deruxtecan in EGFRm. Activity promising, but ~ to platinum/Pemetrexed.
Osi -> Chemo -> Dato?
Osi + Ct -> Dato?
Lazer + Ami ->CT->Dato?”
“Kick off for the largest oncology conference in Asia with over 4,000 participants ESMO Asia 2024.”
“Jin Won Kim presents Asia subgroup OS and long-term follow-up results of the HERIZON-BTC-01 study of zanidatamab in HER2 positive BTC at ESMO Asia 2024.”
“Update form HERIZON-BTC-01 trial in HER2 +ve Biliary Cancer – Asian population with Zanidatamab Higher rate of HER-2 2+ included (28% vs 13% in general population)
Similar ORR 42%.
“New way to target cell cycle. Cyclin through Innovation. ESMO ASIA24 with Drs. Lee and Naito. Exciting new drugs to target CDK4, CDK2, and more in HR+/Her2- MBC. Taking 2L PFS closer to 12 months and away from chemo.”
“Great session Syed Hussain!!!! My only concern was about the moderator Ravindran Kanesvaran. Do you think he felt asleep during Ben Tran talk?
Amazing ESMO Asia24 Fantastic discussion about Bladder Cancer.”
“My last session as part of the ESMO YOC…a great privilege to serve ESMO in the past years together with the best team ever…really really grateful to you all.”
“Great time ESMO Asia24 talking about oligometastatic status and multimodal treatment options for Breast Cancer at the ESMO discussion Hub Honoured to be introduced by a great friend Kevin Punie.”
“Enfortumab Vedotin and Pembro in the Asian subgroup ESMO Asia24 (n=170). More UTUCs. CR 39%, PFS and OS HRs ~0.35 with CIs crossing ITT population showing at least equivalent activity. Some toxicity such as rash and hyperglycaemia prominent experience and training is important.”
“5 remarkable things:
– Melvin Chua – superb mentor and clinician-scientist
– Boon – superb trainee
– Genomic Classifier Decipher by Veracyte
– Best poster at ESMO Asia24
– Focal therapy for prostate cancer
Just one that causes more harm than good – take your guess.”
“Congratulations to Dr Hing – Best Poster award winner at ESMO Asia24 in the ESMO YO Clinical Cases track
So many excellent cases and presenters. Difficult to choose the only one!”
“Discussing the optimal sample size needed to taste the difference between and high-end and standard durian. Should we be blinded? Any views on the design?”
“Personalizing GI oncology session at ESMOAsia24. Angela Lamarca discusses actionable targets e clinical challenges in BTC – biliary tract cancer.”
“‘We know the faces of cancer. It’s time to hear the voices’.
WHO presentation at the ESMO Patient Engagement Summit at the ESMO Asia24 in Singapore. And we at The Max Foundation, Friends Of Max amplify those very voices.”
“It is an incredible honour to be scientific co-chair for ESMOAsia24 congress program with Prof Hanneke van Laarhoven Amsterdam UMC. Largest ESMO Asia congress from ESMO yet!
Top 10 cancers in Asia are lung, liver, stomach, breast, colorectal, oesophageal, nasopharyngeal, cervical, head/neck, and prostate, but the region so diverse, with different cancer risk factors, different populations and different health care systems. So much to learn from one another.
Informative discussions at highlight session on latest trials of drug therapies – covered EGFR mutant lung cancer plus bladder, anal and hepatocellular cancer. Presidential dinner and networking/collaborations to strive for better cancer outcomes for our patients.”
“An outstanding presentation by my good friend Aju Mathew on magnitude of clinical benefit in high-income Countries (HIC) and LMC, and Access to Drugs.”
“India – Wake Up ! Air Pollution related cancers is a reality .
ESMO Patient Engagement Summit.”
“Prof Zarnie Lwin – updates in the treatment of gliomas; 2021 classification change, vorasidenib and dx in resource limited settings.”
“Great survivorship session at ESMOAsia24 – thanks for having us, thanks for all who came along!”
“Have we seen everything from checkpoint inhibitors? Amazing session at ESMO Asia 24 in Singapore chaired by Toh Han Chong and Elena Garralda.”
“What a selfie! Australia and New Zealand representation in Singapore.”
“The Trans Tasman table at ESMO Asia24 Presidential Dinner.”
“What an amazing experience ESMO Asia 2024 was! I come back with many positive feelings, friendship, networking, professional improvement and the most important message…. Cancer has no boundaries, and neither does our community. See you at ESMO Asia 2025.”
“Thanks Jean-Yves Blay and the ESMO Public Policy team for providing a forum for us to discuss the status of early lung cancer detection and screening in the Asia Pacific region.
This is an important and timely topic as understand the differing pathophysiology and molecular epidemiology of Asian lung cancer possibly requiring a different approach.”
“ESMO Asia 2024: so wonderful to see old colleagues and meet new colleagues from all over Asia with ONE FOCUS.”
“Immensely proud of the achievements of our ESMOLGP Asia 2023-2024 group. I can’t thank ESMO enough for the experience and incredible opportunity. This is just the beginning of great things to come. Watch this space!”
“Amazing crew for Precision Medicine and Develop mental Therapeutics for ESMOAsia24. Thanks everyone for your support in making our track such a success! Safe travels home everyone.”
“THANK YOU for joining ESMO Asia 2024! Over 4,200 participants united for pioneering research, Asia-specific challenges, and global networking. See you at ESMO Asia 2025, 5-7 Dec, Singapore!
Together, we advance oncology in Asia-Pacific.”
Further Reading:
Highlights from Day 1 of ESMO Asia 2024
Highlights from Day 2 of ESMO Asia 2024
Highlights from Day 3 of ESMO Asia 2024
Challenging the Status Quo in Colorectal Cancer 2024
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ASCO Annual Meeting
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Yvonne Award 2024
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OncoThon 2024, Online
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Global Summit on War & Cancer 2023, Online
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