March, 2025
March 2025
Vivek Subbiah: Top Phase 1 clinical trial publications of 2024
Jan 4, 2025, 15:18

Vivek Subbiah: Top Phase 1 clinical trial publications of 2024

Vivek Subbiah, Chief of Early-Phase Drug Development at the Sarah Cannon Research Institute (USA), shared a post on X:

“By popular demand, I’m pleased to share the top Phase 1 clinical trial publications of 2024!

These papers highlight the incredible bench to bedside progress and innovation in early-phase drug development.

I invite you to join the conversation by adding your favorite early phase papers to this X.

Together, let’s celebrate these significant advances in our field and look forward to groundbreaking developments in drug discovery in 2025!

1. Inhibition of lysine acetyltransferase KAT6 in ER+HER2− metastatic breast cancer: a phase 1 trial.

Epigenetic targeting in solid tumors finally successful!

HDAC inhibitors have shown limited success before in the treatment of solid tumors owing to a lack of cancer specificity or satisfactory therapeutic window. KAT6 works!!!

Inhibition of lysine acetyltransferase KAT6 in ER+HER2− metastatic breast cancer: a phase 1 trial.

Authors: Toru Mukohara, Yeon Hee Park, David Sommerhalder, Kan Yonemori, Erika Hamilton, Sung-Bae Kim, Jee Hyun Kim, Hiroji Iwata, Toshinari Yamashita, Rachel M. Layman, Monica Mita, Timothy Clay, Yee Soo Chae, Catherine Oakman, Fengting Yan, Gun Min Kim, Seock-Ah Im, Geoffrey J. Lindeman, Hope S. Rugo, Marlon Liyanage, Michelle Saul, Christophe Le Corre, Athanasia Skoura, Li Liu, Meng Li and Patricia M. LoRusso.

Vivek Subbiah

2. Results From First-in-Human Phase I Dose-Escalation Study of a Novel Bicycle Toxin Conjugate Targeting EphA2 (BT5528) in Patients With Advanced Solid Tumors.

BT5528 is a Bicycle Toxin Conjugate, a novel class of chemically synthesized molecules, comprising a bicyclic peptide targeting EphA2 tumor antigen, linked to a cytotoxin (monomethyl auristatin E [MMAE]).

EphA2 is overexpressed in many solid tumors and contributes to oncogenesis, tumor-associated angiogenesis, and metastasis.

Results From First-in-Human Phase I Dose-Escalation Study of a Novel Bicycle Toxin Conjugate Targeting EphA2 (BT5528) in Patients With Advanced Solid Tumors.

Authors: Babar Bashir, Judy S. Wang, Gerald Falchook, Elisa Fontana, Hendrik-Tobias Arkenau, Louise Carter, Rachel Galot, Bristi Basu, Alastair Greystoke, Vivek Subbiah, Debra L. Richardson, Hanna Orr, Gavin Bennett, Rajiv Sharma, Hongmei Xu, Paola Paganoni, Cong Xu, Carly Campbell, Meredith McKean.

Vivek Subbiah: Top Phase 1 clinical trial publications of 2024

3. Intrathecal bivalent CAR T cells targeting EGFR and IL13Rα2 in recurrent glioblastoma: phase 1 trial interim results.

Car-T cells shows early signals in glioblastoma.

Intrathecal bivalent CAR T cells targeting EGFR and IL13Rα2 in recurrent glioblastoma: phase 1 trial interim results.

Authors: Stephen J. Bagley, Meghan Logun, Joseph A. Fraietta, Xin Wang, Arati S. Desai, Linda J. Bagley, Ali Nabavizadeh, Danuta Jarocha, Rene Martins, Eileen Maloney, Lester Lledo, Carly Stein, Amy Marshall, Rachel Leskowitz, Julie K. Jadlowsky, Shannon Christensen, Bike Su Oner, Gabriela Plesa, Andrea Brennan, Vanessa Gonzalez, Fang Chen, Yusha Sun, Whitney Gladney, David Barrett, MacLean P. Nasrallah, Wei-Ting Hwang, Guo-Li Ming, Hongjun Song, Donald L. Siegel, Carl H. June, Elizabeth O. Hexner, Zev A. Binder Donald M. O’Rourke.

Vivek Subbiah: Top Phase 1 clinical trial publications of 2024

4. MYC targeting by OMO-103 in solid tumors: a phase 1 trial.

MYC remained an elusive target in cancer biology for decades.

First successful phase 1 clinical trial validating the safety and tolerability of a first-in-modality direct MYC inhibitor.

MYC targeting by OMO-103 in solid tumors: a phase 1 trial.

Authors: Elena Garralda, Marie-Eve Beaulieu, Víctor Moreno, Sílvia Casacuberta-Serra, Sandra Martínez-Martín, Laia Foradada, Guzman Alonso, Daniel Massó-Vallés, Sergio López-Estévez, Toni Jauset, Elena Corral de la Fuente, Bernard Doger, Tatiana Hernández, Raquel Perez-Lopez, Oriol Arqués, Virginia Castillo Cano, Josefa Morales, Jonathan R. Whitfield, Manuela Niewel, Laura Soucek, Emiliano Calvo

Vivek Subbiah: Top Phase 1 clinical trial publications of 2024

5. Menin Inhibition With Revumenib for KMT2A-Rearranged Relapsed or Refractory Acute Leukemia (AUGMENT-101).

Revumenib Revises the Treatment Landscape for KMT2A-r Leukemia.”

Menin Inhibition With Revumenib for KMT2A-Rearranged Relapsed or Refractory Acute Leukemia (AUGMENT-101).

Authors: Ghayas C. Issa, Ibrahim Aldoss, Michael J. Thirman, John DiPersio, Martha Arellano, James S. Blachly, Gabriel N. Mannis, Alexander Perl, David S. Dickens, Christine M. McMahon, Elie Traer, C. Michel Zwaan, Carolyn S. Grove, Richard Stone, Paul J. Shami, Ioannis Mantzaris, Matthew Greenwood, Neerav Shukla, Branko Cuglievan, Tibor Kovacsovics, Yu Gu, Rebecca G. Bagley, Kate Madigan, Yakov Chudnovsky, Huy Van Nguyen, Nicole McNeer, Eytan M. Stein

Vivek Subbiah: Top Phase 1 clinical trial publications of 2024

Vivek Subbiah is the Chief of Early-Phase Drug Development at the Sarah Cannon Research Institute (USA). He is the former Executive Director of Oncology Research and former Associate Professor in the Department of Investigational Cancer Therapeutics at the MD Anderson Cancer. He focuses on translational cancer research and the design and implementation of early-phase biomarker-driven clinical trials. His work specifically targets antibody-drug conjugates, radiopharmaceuticals, immunoconjugates, and basket trials. He has also received the Yvonne Award 2024 by OncoDaily in the “Voice of Oncology” category.

Alastair Greystoke Alexander Perl Ali Nabavizadeh Amy Marshall Andrea Brennan Arati S. Desai Athanasia Skoura Babar Bashir Bernard Doger Bike Su Oner Branko Cuglievan Bristi Basu C. Michel Zwaan cancer Carl H. June Carly Campbell Carly Stein Carolyn S. Grove Catherine Oakman Christine M. McMahon Christophe Le Corre Cong Xu Daniel Massó-Vallés Danuta Jarocha David Barrett David S. Dickens David Sommerhalder Debra L. Richardson Donald L. Siegel Eileen Maloney Elena Corral de la Fuente Elena Garralda Elie Traer Elisa Fontana Elizabeth O. Hexner Emiliano Calvo Erika Hamilton Eytan M. Stein Fang Chen Fengting Yan Gabriel N. Mannis Gabriela Plesa Gavin Bennett Geoffrey J. Lindeman Gerald Falchook Ghayas C. Issa Gun Min Kim Guo-Li Ming Guzman Alonso Hanna Orr Headlines Hendrik-Tobias Arkenau Hiroji Iwata Hongjun Song Hongmei Xu Hope S. Rugo Huy Van Nguyen Ibrahim Aldoss Ioannis Mantzaris James S. Blachly Jee Hyun Kim John DiPersio Jonathan R. Whitfield Josefa Morales Joseph A. Fraietta Judy S. Wang Julie K. Jadlowsky Kan Yonemori Kate Madigan Laia Foradada Laura Soucek Lester Lledo Li Liu Linda J. Bagley Louise Carter MacLean P. Nasrallah Manuela Niewel Marie-Eve Beaulieu Marlon Liyanage Martha Arellano Matthew Greenwood Meghan Logun Meng Li Meredith McKean Michael J. Thirman Michelle Saul Monica Mita Neerav Shukla Nicole McNeer OncoDaily Oncology Oriol Arqués Paola Paganoni Patricia M. LoRusso Paul J. Shami Rachel Galot Rachel Leskowitz Rachel M. Layman Rajiv Sharma Raquel Perez-Lopez Rebecca G. Bagley Rene Martins Richard Stone Sandra Martínez-Martín Seock-Ah Im Sergio López-Estévez Shannon Christensen Sílvia Casacuberta-Serra Stephen J. Bagley Sung-Bae Kim Tatiana Hernández Tibor Kovacsovics Timothy Clay Toni Jauset Toru Mukohara Toshinari Yamashita Vanessa Gonzalez Victor Moreno Virginia Castillo Cano Vivek Subbiah Wei-Ting Hwang Whitney Gladney Xin Wang Yakov Chudnovsky Yee Soo Chae Yeon Hee Park Yu Gu Yusha Sun Zev A. Binder Donald M. O’Rourke