JeeSuk Chang: Yonsei, single institution report of S-PBI now in press
Dec 30, 2023, 04:04

JeeSuk Chang: Yonsei, single institution report of S-PBI now in press

JeeSuk Chang, , shared on X/Twitter:

Yonsei, single institution report of S-PBI now in press.

  • PBI use remains low
  • This contrast with the growing adoption of hypo-WBI, especially after Fast-forward
  • how to optimally position both 5-fx

– 815 S-PBI
– Breast V50, 32.3%
– MLD 2.5Gy, MHD 0.65 Gy
– Low acute toxicity (21.5%)

Comparison with 476 FF-WBI: similarly low toxicity, reduced OAR dose in S-PBI.

External PBI with advanced tech should at least be considered over WBI approaches for PBI candidates.

JeeSuk Chang: Yonsei, single institution report of S-PBI now in press

Huge thanks to Dr. Frank Vicini for kickstarting this research project and for his guidance.
Also, shoutout to our Yonsei colleagues, Jin Sung Kim, Jihun Kim, Yong Bae Kim, Jeongshim Lee, Seo Hee Choi, Ik Jae Lee. ”

Proceed to the article.
Source: JeeSuk Chang/X