European Cancer Organisation – Making life easier for cancer patients, survivors and carers with smartCARE
Nov 24, 2024, 14:14

European Cancer Organisation – Making life easier for cancer patients, survivors and carers with smartCARE

European Cancer Organisation shared on LinkedIn:

“We’re excited to present smartCARE! A prototype of our new mobile app to make life easier for cancer patients, survivors and carers

At the Showcase Event today, we’re engaging with key stakeholders from the cancer community to discuss this innovative tool.

Penilla Gunther, Co-Chair of the smartCARE Steering Committee said:

‘Once diagnosed, a cancer patient needs support in a cancer journey – you have to know about your timetable, your kind of transportation and luggage. You also need quality in your cancer journey. I would like smartCARE to be a companion in a cancer journey, with it cancer patients might feel safer. It will tell them how many stops they take, how much help they have with their luggage – probably they need to leave some of it at some stations.’

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European Cancer Organisation - Making life easier for cancer patients, survivors and carers with smartCARE