Highlights from the Cleveland GU Oncology Consortium
The Cleveland Genitourinary Oncology Consortium Meeting, hosted by the University Hospitals Seidman Center and the Cleveland Clinic Taussig Cancer Center, took place on October 16, 2024.
It is a collaborative event focused on advancements in genitourinary cancer care. This meeting brings together healthcare professionals, researchers, and specialists to discuss the latest research findings, treatment protocols, and innovations in the field of genitourinary oncology.
Here are some highlights from the event:
“Remarkable kidney cancer multi-D panel CleGUOnc consortium, Cleveland Clinic, University Hospitals, Case Comprehensive Cancer Center, moderated by Pedro Barata.
Great insights from Moshe Ornstein, Christopher Wee, Puja Arora, and Rashed Gandhou on adjuvant IO, the role of cytoreductive nephrectomy, IO after IO, Tx sequencing etc and how we can work as a multiD team to advance care for our patients!
Moshe Ornstein discusses several novel clinical trials.”
“First Annual Case Comprehensive Cancer Center, Cleveland Clinic, University Hospitals, Oncology Consortium at the home of the Cleveland Browns.”
“I couldn’t be more proud of our first Cleveland GU Oncology Consortium with University Hospitals and Cleveland Clinic.
JA Garcia, Laura Bukavina, Christopher Wee, Daniel Spratt, Moshe Ornstein, Jason Brown any more at the Cleveland Browns stadium! Packed event at The Land Thank you!”
“Huge thanks to Shilpa Gupta and Pedro Barata for a huge effort to bring together CLEGUOnc to discuss hot GU topics.
Excited for the Patagonia vest too!”
“CleGUOnc, Pedro Barata asking multi-D panel practical Qs for management of Prostate Cancer.
JA Garcia discussing the caveats of PSMA-PET in decision making when guidelines based on conv imaging.
Need to prioritize standardization of genetic testing across Cleveland Clinic, University Hospitals, Case Comprehensive Cancer Center.”
“Phenomenal Bladder Cancer panel led by Shilpa Gupta discussing real world scenarios and challenges in treatment.”
“Shilpa Gupta, Cleveland Clinic andPedro Barata, Case Comprehensive Cancer Center, kicking off the first annual Cleveland GU Oncology consortium at Cleveland Browns stadium!”
“Urothelial carcinoma discussion with Jonathan Evan Shoag, Amanda Nizam, Jason Brown, Joel Saltzman moderated by Shilpa Gupta.”
“Incredibly important information was presented tonight at the Cleveland Genitourinary Oncology Consortium. Thank you to the physicians for coming together to share your expertise and for Chesley Cheatham, M.Ed., MCHES, Sarah Hopperton and teams for planning this well organized event.
It’s not easy to do, but you executed it flawlessly. Proud to be partners with our health systems and provide patients and families with quality cancer support services.
Even Chomps wanted to learn more about The Gathering Place! We told him to stop by our Beachwood or Westlake locations or connect with us at touchedbycancer.org. All are welcome at The Gathering Place East and West!”
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