Palliative care, Hope against all hopes -Christian Ntizimira
Palliative care, Hope against all hopes
In the shadows of sorrow and suffering,
Where the constant fights of life begin to fade,
A rare glimmer of hope, a shining example,
appears after receiving palliative care.
Even in the middle of suffering, there is hope,
Compassion gently leads the way,
The comfort of gentle hands brings solace at the crossroads of life.
When dusk covers each evanescent breath,
Palliative care is an ocean-defying approach,
Despite its dwindling physical form, it sustains hopes and dreams.
Where the impossible can happen, and hope can grow
Where hearts are being devoured in romantic settings
The hidden worries and pressures
A safe haven where individuals can feel valued.
Time is cherished; every minute is savored.
In places of worship, grace was intertwined,
The sweet flavor of sympathy reveals the precarious balance of existence.
A soothing balm, the ache dulled.
Tired minds and bodies can find peace here.
A shared experience via laughter and sorrow that takes you beyond your worst nightmares.
Palliative care ensnares with soft words and prayers in secret.
Taking comfort in life’s simplest pleasures, letting love wash away pain.
When all other options have been exhausted, palliative care opens the door to a life lived with honor and compassion right up until the end.
Therefore, let us respect, let us be,
The impetus for compassion and our purpose in life is to plant seeds of optimism in the planet’s darkest corners.
Within the arms of palliative care,
A haven where love and kindness are always present, and optimism can flourish despite the odds.
Source: Christian Ntizimira/LinkedIn
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