Ghida Talal: They are our pride and our future.
Sep 4, 2023, 16:15

Ghida Talal: They are our pride and our future.

In a post by Ghida Talal, the chairperson of the board of trustees of the King Hussein Cancer Foundation and Center, on Twitter:

“احتفلنا بإنجاز طلابنا الذين نجحوا وتفوّقوا في
امتحان التوجيهي أثناء تلقيهم العلاج.
فرحتي بكم كبيرة، وفخري بكم لا حدود له.

Our patients studied & passed the hardest national exam with flying colors while fighting cancer. They are our pride & our future.”

Source: Ghida Talal/Twitter