Nermean Mostafa: Honored to co-organize women cancer patient advocacy session hosted by 8th Gyne-Oncology conference
Dec 22, 2024, 04:34

Nermean Mostafa: Honored to co-organize women cancer patient advocacy session hosted by 8th Gyne-Oncology conference

Nermean Mostafa, Head of the Clinical Oncology Unit at Ain Shams University, shared a post on LinkedIn:

“I was honored to co-organize women cancer patient advocacy session with Dr. Noha Talaat hosted by 8th Gyne-Oncology conference Basel Refky for the second time in collaboration with PARSGO – The Pan-Arabian Research Society of Gynecological Oncology and World Ovarian Cancer Coalition with the presence of esteemed panelists Xezal Derin and Frances Reid.

Discussions were involving all stakeholders needed to achieve ‘Patient-Centered Care’ through multidisciplinary approach

  • Parliament deputies for heath policy making
  • Health economics for access to medication and efficient resource allocation
  • And most importantly patients voice telling their different stories and listening to their journey was a game changer in the discussion.

Challenges of PAGs in MENA region as mentioned by Dr. Xezal Derin:

  1. Breaking down cultural stigmas and barriers to women’s health
  2. Limited regional collaboration among advocacy groups
  3. Overcoming funding challenges and sustainability issues
  4. Promoting equitable access to resources in diverse communities
  5. Lack of Awareness about PAGs, also unequal access to patients advocacy groups.

The future is bright and looking forward to what 2025 holds. Enjoy the holidays.”

Nermean Mostafa: Honored to co-organize women cancer patient advocacy session hosted by 8th Gyne-Oncology conference

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