Highlights from Day 4 of SABCS 2024
The SABCS 2024 (San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium) took place from December 10th to 13th, 2024 at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center in San Antonio, TX, USA.
SABCS is designed to provide state-of-the-art information on the experimental biology, etiology, prevention, diagnosis, and therapy of breast cancerand premalignant breast disease to an international audience of academic and private physicians and researchers.
This international event primarily targets academic and private physicians, as well as researchers in medical, surgical, gynecologic, and radiation oncology, along with patient advocates and other relevant healthcare professionals.
Healthcare Professionals and Organizations shared about this Conference on Social Media:
“From the program committee to the session rooms to the Advocacy Partners Pavilion, we thank our patient advocate attendees for making their presence felt at SABCS24.”
“Spent 90 mins on the SABCS24 stage yesterday, interjecting the advocacy perspective in “From the Trenches.” My words but it was these voices, and so many others not pictured, that I channeled. Grateful to have them by my side literally and figuratively to learn with, and from.”
“One of the most brilliant discussant at SABCS24, Giampaolo Bianchini.
Don’t miss the opportunity to treat ER low (1-9%) with chemo plus pembrolizumab with a pCR rate similar to TNBC.”
“Fantastic ER+ Breast Cancer summary and algorithm by Dr. Danso at year in review.
First line CDK
2nd line profile driven
ADC/chemo once endo-R!”
“Awesome to get to chat with Josh Drago for a SABCS24 snippet on the past, present and future of ADCs. Huge growth in the field, paralleled by many efforts to make ADCs more targeted, safer and personalized based on novel biomarkers. Thanks SABCS for having us!”
“SABCS24 Year in Review – Advanced Breast CancerUpdates by Michael Danso
Highlighting key advancements in advanced breast cancer research and treatment from the past year.”
“What an amazing breast oncology group! I feel very lucky to be surrounded by such incredible colleagues.”
“Post-hoc TAILORx analysis: Impact of Anthracyclines in High Genomic Risk Node-Negative HR+/HER2- Breast Cancer by Nan Chen.”
“How to treat her2 postive MBC at the end of 2024. Money slide. note the foot note for patina data.”
“That’s a wrap SABCS24! More amazing highlights from SABCS.”
“Love, love, LOVE how advocate extraordinaire Stacey Tinianov reminds the moderator, the panel, and the audience that Words Matter – ‘deescalation’ sounds like ‘you don’t matter, we’ll do less’ so preferred terminology is ‘right-sizing’.”
“Germline variant in PCSK9 (V474I) is assoc with breast cancer survival and causally drives mets (targets tumoral LRP1 and induces somatic pro-mets gene expression).
PCSK9 inhibition (used to decrease cholesterol) mets.”
“ZEST—a ph3 trial for TNBC w/ ctDNA screening
– stopped early due to low randomization
– 50% with mets at time ctDNA+
– ctDNA+ occurred often on 1st test/≤6 mos from EoT
– Recurrence-free interval longer with niraparib, but not powered for endpoint.”
“There was a great poster spotlight session (14) on brain metastases. It is good to see that there is research going on re CNS mets and the medical community is facing the challenges. Thank you Carey Anders for your excellent presentation!”
“The efficacy of Enhertu (T-DXd) in low HER2 metastatic breast cancer has been confirmed, demonstrating advantages in earlier-line use compared to DB-04, including for rapid progressors.”
“San Antonio breast cancer conference 2024! Was such an exciting and thrilling meeting. So proud to be a breast surgical oncologist!”
“Proud to be part of this important study on CDK4/6 inhibitor preferences in Latin America. Grateful for the opportunity to collaborate and contribute to improving breast cancer care.”
“Inspiring discussion on RCTs for interception using MUC1 antigen in premalignant lesions by Dr. Olivera Finn.
Key RCTSs:
Interception of DCIS
Prevention of colon cancer
TERT immuno-interception in BRCA1/2 carriers.”
“Excellent discussion by Giampaolo Bianchini at SABCS24 on the differences between Keynote 522 and GeparDouze outcomes! More research is needed to move beyond the Keynote 522 regimen with both deescalating and escalating approaches.”
“Big shoutout to Tatiana Prowell for her support. Thank you for teaching me how to write a clinical trial protocol at Vail and continuing to uplift and inspire me to do patient-oriented research with patient partners.”
“Brilliant discussion. Barbara Pistilli about hypothesis of ADC resistance mechanisms.”
“Wrapped up an incredible session on disparities, with a new focus on global health equity!
It was eye-opening to hear voices from the other 2/3 of the world —perspectives we cannot afford to overlook.
Grateful to the SABCS organizing committee for supporting such important conversations.The future of research must be inclusive!”
“Proud of my work family. Strong women that support each other. What a great SABCS24. GI oncologist included who has a Breast oncologist heart.”
“Yesterday at SABCS24, we presented real-world data from AC Camargo Cancer Center on adjuvant abemaciclib in ER+ breast cancer. This important work was led by Dra. Monique Tavares, Solange Sanches and Marcelle Goldner Cesca.”
“Thank you to Pedram Razavi for highlighting our work in the SABCS24 translational year in review. This work led by Dr. Albert Lin showed that targeting PRMT5 methyltransferase blocks cell cycle progression and tumor growth even when RB1 is lost.”
“At SABCS24, I had the opportunity to speak with Kathrin Dvir, MD about the Phase 3 EMBER-3 trial, which evaluates imlunestrant as monotherapy and in combination with abemaciclib for ER+/HER2- advanced breast cancer pretreated with endocrine therapy.”
“It was such an honor to be able to present our SABCS spotlight poster today on HER2 copy number ratio as a potential predictive biomarker for HER2-targeted therapy. Fantastic posters in the session and discussion by Paolo Tarantino.”
“Making new friends at SABCS2024.”
“Hengrui’s Camrelizumab vs Placebo With Chemotherapy as Neoadjuvant Treatment in TNBC (CamRelief) – actually perioperative.
CamRelief KM plots SABCS24.
– EFS (time from randomization to disease progression, recurrence, or death from any cause)
– DFS (time from surgical procedure to disease recurrence, second primary tumor, ductal carcinoma in situ, or death from any cause)
– DDFS (time from surgical procedure to distant metastases or death from any cause)
Neoadjuvant Camrelizumab for Triple-Negative Breast Cancer.”
“Super discussion by Giampaolo Bianchini at SABCS24 on the NSABP Foundation B-59/GBG-96 GeparDouze and CamRelief trials assessing neoadjuvant immunotherapy in early triple-negative Breast Cancer.”
“Fabulous discussion by Giampaolo Bianchini on Gepardouze and CamRelief.”
“The addition of anthracyclines to taxanes provides higher DRFS compared to taxanes alone in patients with high genomic risk ER+ breast cancer.”
“We thank our SABCS24 social media ambassadors for sharing their excitement and insights from the meeting on X and other social media platforms.”
“SABCS24 came to its end, and I bring home great memories:
– my first Early Investigator Award
– seeing presented at the General Session (by Matteo Lambertini) new results of our collaborative BRCA BCY group
– Love to all the amazing friends with whom I share this journey.”
“CamRelief, early TNBC, NACT +/- periop Camrelizumab (SABCS24):
– Cape allowed.
– pCR rate improved (12% delta).
– No EFS benefit yet (immature).
Looking similar to GeparDouze. Diff with KN522 a question of anti-PD-1 vs anti-PD-L1, or cape being permitted? Both? Asian patients?”
“My take aways from SABCS24: anthra beneficial for RS>31; imlunestrant active as single agent unclear what combo data means; Pablo gives excellent benefit in triple pos bc; please don’t use MRD ; brca + bc pts have benefit from rrbm; and tons of important data on local therapy.”
“Wrapping up another fantastic SABCS!
Amazing, practice-changing data were presented.
I’ve updated the algorithms and added key studies from the meeting— I finally ran out of space in HR+ disease!”
“SABCS24 is over and once again my cup is filled by the science, but even more from the connections with oncologist, researcher, and advocate friends. See you in 2025 (if I’m still Not Dead Yet).”
“SABCS24 is a wrap! Thanks to the co-directors, executive committee, program planning committee, speakers, and attendees for making this year’s Symposium a spectacular success.”
Further Reading:
Highlights from Day 1 of SABCS 2024
Challenging the Status Quo in Colorectal Cancer 2024
December 6-8, 2024
ESMO 2024 Congress
September 13-17, 2024
ASCO Annual Meeting
May 30 - June 4, 2024
Yvonne Award 2024
May 31, 2024
OncoThon 2024, Online
Feb. 15, 2024
Global Summit on War & Cancer 2023, Online
Dec. 14-16, 2023