Highlights from Day 3 of SABCS 2024
The SABCS 2024 (San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium) is taking place from December 10th to 13th, 2024 at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center in San Antonio, TX, USA.
SABCS is expected to attract around 10,000+ attendees from more than 102 countries, including oncologists, researchers, and healthcare professionals.
This Symposium is designed to provide state-of-the-art information on the experimental biology, etiology, prevention, diagnosis, and therapy of breast cancerand premalignant breast disease to an international audience of academic and private physicians and researchers.
Healthcare Professionals and Organizations shared about this Conference on Social Media:
“New work on a cell atlas of normal breast tissue may facilitate the early prediction and even prevention of breast cancer. This new resource will be the focus of the second Plenary Lecture Friday morning at SABCS24. Learn more in SABCS Meeting News.”
“SABCS24 Day 3 Highlights Community Oncology:
1. EUROPA: ET vs XRT HR+ ≥70 yrs
2. PATINA: CDK4/6i HR+ HER2+
4. SUPREMO: XRT post mastectomy
5. INSEMA: ALNBx early disease
1. EUROPA: Ph III, ET vs XRT after
surgery in ≥70 yrs HR+ luminal A-like early breast cancer. Median Follow Up: 2 years
– Treatment-related AEs with XRT (67% vs 85%)
– ET was associated with a greater reduction in HRQOL but we need longer data for disease control
2. PATINA: Ph 3, palbociclib + Anti-HER2 + ET vs. anti-HER2 + ET after induction chemo for HR+ & HER2+ MBC:
– mPFS of 44.3mos with Palbo vs 29.1mos SoC (HR: 0.74)
– OS not mature yet
– New SoC for HR+ HER 2+ MBC
3. COMET: Ph 3, Active Monitoring With or Without ET for Low-Risk DCIS (HR+, Gr 1 or 2):
– Rate of ipsilateral invasive cancer 5.9% in the ET vs 4.2% in the active monitoring group
– At 2 yrs (short-term): active monitoring is not inferior to guideline-concordant care.
4. SUPREMO: Selective Use of Postoperative Radiotherapy after Mastectomy:
– pT1N1M0, pT2N1M0, pT3N0M0, or pT2N0M0 Gr3 or LVI
– No 10 yr survival with XRT after mastectomy
5. INSEMA: Omission of axillary surgery for SLNBx with clinically N-ve invasive breast cancer staged T1/T2 (≤5 cm) scheduled to undergo breast-conserving surgery.
– 5yr iDFS 91.9% without surgery vs 91.7%
– Omission of surgical axillary staging was noninferior to SLNBx.”
“Fabulous discussion by Giampaolo Bianchini on Gepardouze and CamRelief.”
“Following up with a few resources from FDA-Alamo Breast Cancer session today for breast cancer advocacy community
Someone asked for email to report misleading drug ads: [email protected]
There were sev Qs from breast cancer advocacy community re new laws you want to see. That’s Congress you need, and here’s how you reach the switchboard! As you see, I have them as a Fave. They’ll connect you to your elected officials.
Many advocates asked where to learn more about their meds. The drug label is a great source of info and most current version is always here. You can search by name. Misplace this tweet? Just Google “drugs@FDA
Bready Cancer advocacy, here you’ll find a succinct summary of basis of FDA approval for breast cancer (& other cancer) meds, esp those recently FDA-approved.
(Also great for busy clinicians and Board review). Bookmark!
Finally, if you have Qs about compassionateuse of investigational agents (not only cancer) because you can’t access clinical trials, the Regan-Udall Expanded Access Navigator is a huge help! Check it out.”
“Discussing the SABCS24 practice changing studies with global breast cancer expert and my former chairman Dr. Jame Abraham. Love his passion!!”
“Also this year I can confirm that SABCS is my fav congress of the year.
I am so proud to have received an Early Investigator Award for the study we presented today, and to share this achievement with the entire team of wonderful colleagues and friends!”
“Otto Metzger presents PATINA
Maint ET + HP +/- Palbo in 1st line HER-2 maint
29.1 vs. 44.3 mo PFS with Palbo with 52 mo follow up
OS not signif yet
Low counts, fatigue, and stomatitis AEs, discontinuations only 7% of patients though.”
“Perhaps the most practice-defining study so far at SABCS.
SUPREMO study of post-mastectomy RT in intermediate risk (T1N1, T2N0, T2N1) is negative for overall survival with only 2% reduction in local recurrence with low baseline.
Question answered: no PMRT here.”
“Micromets after neoadjuvant portend a worse prognosis and we need to develop a subtype-specific approach.”
“Does Postmastectomy Radiotherapy in ‘Intermediate-Risk’ Breast Cancer Impact Overall Survival?
The answer is no, though the grey area is still there.
10-Year Results of the BIG 2-04 MRC SUPREMO Trial presented by Ian Kunkler.”
“Project Life so happy to play a small role with these amazing leaders and visionaries.”
“Educational Session now: Immunotherapy
Topic 3: The Future of Immunotherapy by
Evanthia Roussos Torres.”
“Pt Advocate, co-founder GRASP Christine Hodgdon brings patient perspectives to Educational Session 12 SABCS. And, a msg to researchers: “you do not need to tackle the complexities of research alone, plenty of advocates willing to collaborate!”
“Great discussion by Christos Sotiriou at SABCS24 Lobular BC Spotlight Session dissecting data on immune infiltration in ILC annd its impact on outcomes, featuring interesting spatial transcriptomics-based classification in ILC presented by Matteo Serra.”
“Happening now at SABCS24! An entire poster spotlight for ILC! Including lots of spatial transcriptomics characterizing the tumor microenvironment, including by Dr. Lynda Bennett.”
“Steffi Oesterreich, Alastair Thompson, and Virginia Kaklamani serving as Hot Topic Mentors for breast cancer advocates tonight at SABCS24.”
“Omission reaches also systemic treatments for breast cancer:
EUROPA trial preliminary results with superb Icro Meattini presentation at SABCS24 shows RT might be a better approach for women aged 70+ with luminal A-like early breast cancer.”
“Thank you for mentoring!! A Giant mentor Fabrice Andre at Gustave Roussy with Toshimi Takano.”
“Impressive results from the Ember-3 study. I would like to see the number of grade 2 diarrhoea in the Imlunestrant + Abemaciclib arm.
Remember: Grade 2 AEs matter to patients!”
“Very honoured to present the interim-analysis of our ULTIMO trial at SABCS24.”
“So happy to see breast oncologists from around the world gathered under one roof to discuss the latest advancements in breast oncology!”
“Excited to connect with other physicians and scientists at SABCS! Especially thrilled to meet one of my future attendings at UF Health Cancer Center, Dr. Coy Heldermon! Can’t wait to dive deeper into the world of oncology!”
“Something sounds different in this SABCS24 session. The science here is a little more engaging.”
“Congratulations to all on the collaborative efforts to successfully complete our IIT, Ph2 trial with Fulvestrant/Pembrolizumab in ER+ MBC.”
“SABCS24 meta analysis report: Overweight, Obesity and Prognosis in 206,904 Women in the EBCTCG Database presented by Hongchao Pan.”
“Practice-changing findings from SABCS24! The PATINA trial reveals improved progression-free survival in HR+/HER2+ metastatic breast cancer with palbociclib added to endocrine and anti-HER2 therapy. Join me and Moffitt Cancer Center’ Tracey O’Connor, MD, to break it all down.”
“Great and thoughtful talk on optimizing choices in low value locoregional care in older adults from Christine Minami.”
“So honored to have gotten the opportunity to present our work showing a prevalent role of APOBEC3 mutagenesis in driving therapy resistance in breast cancer at SANCS24.
A hugely collaborative team effort under the mentorship of Dr. Sarat Chandarlapaty.
Grateful to the organizers for recognizing our work and selecting our abstract for the Basic Science Scholar Award!”
“The Methodist breast oncology team takes on SABCS24 Jenny C Chang, Polly Niravath.”
“Great talk by Christina Minami on defining and addressing low value surgery in older breast cancer patients- considerations for omission of surgery especially in high risk patients and tools to assess risk in this patient population.”
“So happy to celebrate Ginny Mason, whose work as a patient advocate has truly saved lives! Ginny received the well deserved Susan G Komen Research Advocacy Champion award at SABCS24.”
“Steffi Oesterreich, coleader of the Cancer Biology Program at UPMC Hillman Cancer Center, delivered the AACR Distinguished Lecture in Breast Cancer Research this afternoon at SABCS24.”
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