Annwen Jones: Key question is how to make most of the study data to drive positive change ovarian cancer
Nov 8, 2023, 18:13

Annwen Jones: Key question is how to make most of the study data to drive positive change ovarian cancer

Quoting Annwen Jones, Chief Executive at Target Ovarian Cancer, on LinkedIn:

”Delighted earlier to chair panel discussion with World Ovarian Cancer Coalition Every Woman Study country leads at International Gynaecological Cancer Society Annual Global Meeting in Seoul.

Exceptional leadership shown by Professor Dr Shahana Pervin (Bangladesh), Dr Tracey Adams (South Africa), Ms Sook Yee Yoon (Malaysia), Dr David Cantu de Leon (Mexico) and Dr Nargiza Zahirova (Uzbekistan).

Key question is how to make most of the study data to drive positive change ovarian cancer.

So many positive early examples of progress in all settings. Education, advocacy, awareness and collaboration with patient organizations all key.

Unique value of having good quality patient experience data to take to health policy makers highlighted by all. Thank you, Frances Reid and Clara MacKay!!”

Annwen Jones: Key question is how to make most of the study data to drive positive change ovarian cancer

Source: Annwen Jones/LinkedIn