Article of the day, September 12th, suggested by the Immune Oncology Research Institute
Sep 12, 2024, 14:29

Article of the day, September 12th, suggested by the Immune Oncology Research Institute

Immune Oncology Research Institute shared a post on LinkedIn:

“Article of the day! Suggest by the Immune Oncology Research Institute.

Molecular Classification Predicts Response to Radiotherapy in the Randomized PORTEC-1 and PORTEC-2 Trials for Early-Stage Endometrioid Endometrial Cancer

Authors: Nanda Horeweg, Remi A. Nout, Ina M. Jürgenliemk-Schulz, Ludy C.H.W. Lutgens, Jan J. Jobsen, Marie A.D. Haverkort, Jan Willem M. Mens, Annerie SlotBastiaan G. Wortman, Stephanie M. de Boer, Ellen Stelloo, Karen W. Verhoeven-Adema, Hein Putter, Vincent T.H.B.M. Smit, Tjalling Bosse, Carien L. Creutzberg,

Immune Oncology Research Institute

Source: Immune Oncology Research Institute/LinkedIn

Immune Oncology Research Institute (IMMONC), established in 2022, is a non-profit, independent, patient-centered research institute. The mission of IMMONC is to advance the cancer knowledge and care through breakthrough scientific research, to integrate innovative immune-oncology therapies into the clinical practice for different types of cancers, to generate and collect clinical data for the identification of new therapeutic targets, developing predictive models and optimizing patient outcomes, to increase the availability and accessibility of those discoveries for the cancer patients, to create a world-class professional environment, to attract the brightest minds in cancer field and to train the next generation researchers.

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