GI cancers – rapid oral abstracs in ASCOBT 24 summarized by Erman Akkus
Aug 12, 2024, 21:46

GI cancers – rapid oral abstracs in ASCOBT 24 summarized by Erman Akkus

Erman Akkus, Medical Oncology Fellow at Ankara University Faculty of Medicine, shared on X:

GI cancers- rapid oral abstracts in ASCOBT (Breakthrough) 24.

  • 221- The impact of HRD mutation on survival in patients with KRAS-mutated advanced pancreatic cancer.

HRD+ve pts had better time-to-treatment failure when treated with mFOLFIRINOX, but not with gemcitabine-nab-paclitaxel.

  • 196- Accuracy of detecting residual disease after neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy for esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (preSINO trial).

Bite-on-bite biopsies and EUS-FNA for lymph nodes are accurate, ctDNA may help.

  • 50- Outcomes in Child-Pugh (CP) B liver function treated with atezolizumab plus bevacizumab (A+B) for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC).

No additional safety risks, may still benefit.

  • 34- Phase Ib trial of durvalumab plus tremelimumab in combination with particle therapy in advanced HCC with macrovascular invasion: Departure.

The combination is safe.”

Source: Erman Akkus/X

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