Tracking immune dynamics of CRC patients under PD-1 blockade
Jul 12, 2024, 21:31

Tracking immune dynamics of CRC patients under PD-1 blockade

Gertjan Rasschaert, Medical Doctor, Consultant Gastrointestinal Oncology and Gastroenterology at 

“Very interesting work by Zemin Zhang and esteemed colleagues tracking immune dynamics of CRC patients under PD-1 blockade.

However still real-world study… Hetererogenous small population (N= 22) both dMMR/MSI and pMMR/MSS tumors. Not clear who received ICB only, who received combination with chemotherapy.

Future studies with prospective design are coming!”

Tracking immune dynamics of CRC patients under PD-1 blockade

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Source: Gertjan Rasschaert/LinkedIn