12 Posts Not To Miss From The 3rd International Summit on Lung Cancer!
The 3rd International Summit on Lung Cancer (RomeLung24), organized by the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC), was held on May 5th and 6th in Rome, Italy.
In this event, the leading experts in the field of lung cancer discussed clinical questions, with particular attention to current and future therapeutic options. Our team at OncoDaily have selected 12 posts that you should not miss from this conference!
Dr. Mariano Provencio proposes a new three musketeers for early-stage NSCLC at RomeLung 24 with Drs. Tina Cascone, Jonathan Spicer, Patrick Forde, Mariano Provencio and Federico Cappuzzo.”
The IASLC WCLC25 co-chairs are together in Rome…planning, chatting and getting ideas from Federico Cappuzzo. Great to have committed minds pushing each other to ask and answer the important questions.
Dr. Naidoo on stage in Rome, discussing on perioperative strategies with targeted therapies in NSCLC. There remains many open questions duration of treatment, optimal endpoints, role of ChT.
New SoC coming soon in EGFR positive LA disease.
Great presentation by my colleague Dr. Christian Rolfo discussing the role of liquid biopsy for prediction of response to immunotherapy!
Dr. Tina Cascone at RomeLung24 gives a brilliant perspective on neoadjuvant vs adjuvant immunotherapy approaches. The neoadjuvant approach allows for tremendous translational study to inform the field. In clinic now, PDL1 informs likelihood of benefit.
Nice session of presentations and discussions this morning at RomeLung24 on lung cancer, IO and ADCs. Impressive number of KOLs to discuss and exchange…so many questions about strategies for our patients!
Great overview of resistance mechanisms to KRAS inhibitors in NSCLC at RomeLung24 by Chiara Ambrogio. Different therapeutic vulnerabilities depending on whether resistance is intrinsic, acquired, or adaptive.
- Imaging could include chest MRI to fully assess resectability
- Consider reassessing post induction, as a way forward
An elegant presentation by Stephen V Liu regarding synergy between immunotherapy and ADCs which could change lung cancer option’s treatment.
Big thanks to Federico Cappuzzo for organizing RomeLung24 meeting in this beautiful eternal city, with insightful discussions on the latest lung cancer trial results by KOL panels. A pleasure to connect with many international colleagues!
Neoadjuvant Tsar Tina Cascone reviews the phase III data of neoadjuvant IO in NSCLC, highlighting preclinical science that is possible from pre/post neoadjuvant samples that can inform next steps.
Stephen V. Liu presenting at RomeLung24 . How to make a better “pasta” with the available ADCs. Perhaps combining with IO is the way to go.
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