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Uri Ilan: This isn’t the first time we’ve seen AI in the exam room
May 1, 2024, 17:02

Uri Ilan: This isn’t the first time we’ve seen AI in the exam room

Uri Ilan, Researcher PhD Student, Coordinator of the International Leukemia/Lymphoma Target Board, shared a post on LinkedIn:

“Lets talk for a moment,

Recently, the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM AI) featured a fascinating study spearheaded by Ido Wolf‘s team. They delved into the performance of chatGPT-4 on the 2022 Israeli board residency exams, pitting it against 849 practicing physicians from diverse medical fields.

This isn’t the first time we’ve seen AI in the exam room. Previous studies, like Meaney et al.‘s work, have compared AI performance to that of medical students and residents. GPT-4 held its ground, even outshining residents in family medicine and surpassing previous versions on national licensing exams in Japan. Similarly, Jang et al. found GPT-4 outperforming ChatGPT on Korean medical licensing exams.

While these comparisons may be attractive, they may inadvertently sow seeds of division between physicians and AI. Rather than pitting one against the other, we should explore how AI and physicians can collaborate for better patient outcomes. Studies, like Lång et al.‘s research in radiology, show that this partnership can yield superior results.

To truly integrate AI into medical practice, we will need to foster a culture of collaboration and trust. In addition, medical education must evolve to teach students and physicians how to harness AI’s potential, working together to address clinical challenges effectively. AMEE – The International Association for Health Professions Education.

In conclusion, comparison tests between physicians and AI may not serve the ultimate goal of integration. Instead, we should focus on augmenting physicians’ abilities through collaboration with AI, ensuring better decision-making and outcomes.

Let me know what your thoughts on this important topic.”

Source: Uri Ilan/LinkedIn