Khalid El Bairi: Celebrating first-year UM6P-FMS students advancing medical research
Khalid El Bairi, Founder of The Cancer Biomarkers Working Group, posted the following on LinkedIn:
“These are the brilliant first-year medical students of the Faculty of Medical Sciences I UM6P-FMS who successfully defended their projects after completing a course on medical library and methodology. This course based on active learning is part of our program designed to introduce medical students to research early in their careers.
During the first semester, students explored key components of the medical library, including how to find evidence-based medical literature, the structure and types of scientific articles, and how to develop research questions using the PICO approach. They also learned to search scientific databases such as PubMed and were introduced to evidence synthesis methods.
This initiative aligns with UM6P – University Mohammed VI Polytechnic’s vision of nurturing medical students to be both clinicians and scientists. The future of medicine in Morocco is bright, and it begins here at the Faculty of Medical Sciences I UM6P-FMS.
Thanks to Prof Rachid EL Fatimy for providing the optimal environment to achieve the goals of this vision.”
Khalid El Bairi, founder of The Cancer Biomarkers Working Group, specializes in clinical and translational research in medical oncology. With many peer-reviewed articles, he delves into predictive and prognostic cancer biomarkers, especially for digestive and gynecological cancers like ovarian and colorectal malignancies.
El Bairi holds board positions in international scientific societies such as IGCS, ESMO, ASCO, ESGO, and AACR. Serving as editor and reviewer for over 40 journals, he also educates medical and Ph.D. students on evidence-based medicine, research methodologies, and publishing ethics.
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