Herbert Loong: Regulatory Harmonisation For Oncology Clinical Trials in the APAC Region
Jun 28, 2024, 12:02

Herbert Loong: Regulatory Harmonisation For Oncology Clinical Trials in the APAC Region

Herbert Loong made the following post on LinkedIn:    .

“A shoutout again to all colleagues and friends from academia, clinical practice and industry who are keen to join us in Singapore in July as we discuss issues of regulatory harmonization in oncology clinical trials. Registration is free! Come join us either onsite or virtually!”

Herbert Loong

Source: Herbert Loong/LinkedIn

Dr. Herbert H. F. Loong is an Associate Professor in the Department of Clinical Oncology at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), with additional roles as Deputy Medical Director of the Phase 1 Clinical Trials Centre and founder of the Prince of Wales Hospital Adult Sarcoma Multidisciplinary Team.

Dr. Loong has co-founded key organizations like the Asia Pacific Oncology Drug Development Consortium (APODDC) and the Asia Pacific Coalition Against Lung Cancer (APCLC). His involvement in international oncology bodies, including ASCO and IASLC, underscores his commitment to advancing cancer research and treatment on a global scale.