October, 2024
October 2024
Sachin H. Jain: Our broken culture of communications
Jul 3, 2024, 04:02

Sachin H. Jain: Our broken culture of communications

Sachin H. Jain, President and CEO at SCAN Group and Health Plan, shared a post on LinkedIn:

“One of the healthcare industry’s understated problems is our broken culture of communications.
We let senior leaders of organizations get away with saying nothing of consequence and repeat corporate pablum ad nauseum.
And selfies. Oh, the selfies.

And we participate in applauding it and endorsing it with an endless parade of likes and feel good comments.
We let them post good PR about their organizations—without holding them accountable to *also* deliver honest communications about the true current state or their organizations or the industry.

Without clear and transparent communication about problems—there will never be solutions.
I repeat—without clear and transparent communication about problems—there will never be solutions. Or we will spin our wheels solving the wrong problem. Or worse—we lose the trust of people who hear about one reality from their leaders and see another reality altogether on the frontlines.

So let’s demand truth of ourselves and of others. Internally and externally. Let’s stop +1’ing meaningless prattle where we should demand substance and meaning. Let’s hold ourselves and others to higher standards. Without these—we are all part of the problem, not the solution.
We are all perpetuators of a broken industry that desperately and badly needs our highest and best to repair itself. Not more hollow and shallow happy talk.”

Source: Sachin H. Jain/LinkedIn

Sachin Jain is the President and CEO of SCAN Group and Health Plan and an Adjunct Professor of Medicine at Stanford University School of Medicine. He also serves as a Board Member at The Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans, an Academic Hospitalist (WOC) at the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, and a Board Member at America’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP).