October, 2024
October 2024
Sami Mansfield: Rise in Colorectal Cancer Among Kids and Teens
Jun 13, 2024, 15:13

Sami Mansfield: Rise in Colorectal Cancer Among Kids and Teens

Sami Mansfield shared a post on their LinkedIn:

”Alarming Rise in Colorectal Cancer Among Kids and Teens!

While we often see the terms cancer prevention in research, policy, and cancer-specific programs throughout the world, the reality is that NO prevention strategy truly does work, and often screening. Although this critical early detection is vital to finding cancers earlier, they do not take into consideration the importance of risk-reducing behaviors.

I recently came across an article highlighting the new research that colorectal cancer rates are significantly increasing among children as young as 10 years old, which was startling!

Data Reported:

  • Rates have surged from 1999 to 2020, especially in those aged 10-24.
  • Despite being more common in older adults, younger demographics are seeing sharper increases.

As adults, we can play our own role in supporting our children with health lifestyle habits that will make an impact. Every day I work with cancer survivors and cancer care team members who play a role in changing these outcomes by not only changing their behaviors but those around them!

What do we know?

  • Watch and report symptoms.
  • Get screened early!
  • Engage in regular healthy habits and strive for a healthy body composition!”

Read further.
Source: Sami Mansfield/LinkedIn

Sami Mansfield, an oncology exercise specialist since 2003, serves as the wellness and oncology expert for the University of Kansas Cancer Center. She dedicates a significant portion of her time to coaching cancer survivors. Additionally, she has participated in the Tour de Pink twice and has been a speaker at national conferences four times. In her personal life, she is a wife, mother, and  crossfitter.