Day 1 ASCO24 Highlights by Oncology Brothers
Jun 1, 2024, 12:55

Day 1 ASCO24 Highlights by Oncology Brothers

Oncology Brothers shared on X:

Day 1 ASCO24 Highlights:

1. CROWN: Lorlatinib in ALK mNSCLC

2. PALOMA3: SC Amivantamab in EGFR mNSCLS


4. GlobalOncCoP (Inas Abuali)

5. Social Media: Leveraging this (Fumiko Ladd Chino, Eric K. Singhi)

1. CROWN: Phase III, n= 296, Lorlatinib vs. Crizotinib ALK plus mNSCLC – mPFS not reached for lorlatinib and 9.1 months with crizotinib (HR:0.19).

5 year PFS 60% with lorlatinib and 8% with crizotinib.

Improved intracranial progression (HR: 0.06). AEs:  with lorlatinib: HLD, weight gain.

Oncology Brothers

2. PALOMA3: Phase 3, SC amivantamab plus Laz vs IV ami plus laz in mEGFR refractory mNSCLC

  • Less IRRs (13% vs IV 66%)
  • Improved VTE with SC
  • Similar ORR .

Oncology Brothers

3. MARIPOSA: Phase III, n= 1074, 1L Ami plus lazertinib in EGFR mNSCLC for high risk patients/biomarker update.

  • High risk features are common upfront
  • Improved PFS in ALL high risk features (HR: 0.49 to 0.71)

Oncology Brothers

4. GlobalOncCoP: Barrier to access/amplification/representation by LMIC

  • 40% ASCO members are outside the US
  • Importance of global oncology research/representation/outreach 
  • Great to see Eric Small being there and fully supporting this initiative.

Oncology Brothers

5. Social Media: Leveraging social media early in your career

  • Use it to build your brand
  • Use it to stay up to date
  • Engage with patient and medical communities”

Oncology Brothers

Source: Oncology Brothers/X