February, 2025
February 2025
5 years is a VERY LONG time for a paper to be under review, That was the case for our recently published paper in Nature – Segun Fatumo
Aug 6, 2023, 17:50

5 years is a VERY LONG time for a paper to be under review, That was the case for our recently published paper in Nature – Segun Fatumo

5 years is a VERY LONG time for a paper to be under review.
That was the case for our recently published paper in Nature.
Submitted in 2018 and published in 2023
What do you do as an early career researcher while waiting for a very important paper to be published ?
1) Papers in very high impact factor journals such as Nature, Science, Cell, Lancet are great for your career.
But your career shouldn’t stop because of such paper is stuck under review.
Work on other high-quality science that can be published quicker in other good journals.
2) Increase the visibility of your delayed high impact paper by getting a permission to get the paper on a preprint.
Preprint makes the world to see your work more quickly and while you are still very excited about it
Your preprint paper can be on your CV for any applications.
3) Attend conferences and speak with journal editors. They are mostly nice people and approachable.
Try to understand what their expectations are
Ask them what you could do to get your work publish much quicker.