Jennifer Geel’s Highlights from Day 2 and 3 of SIOP2024
The 56th Congress of the International Society of Pediatric Oncology (SIOP2024) is taking place from October 17-20, 2024, in Honolulu, Hawaii.
This congress is aiming to be a pivotal event for professionals in pediatric oncology, gathering leading experts, researchers, and healthcare providers from around the world.
Participants are expecting a comprehensive program that is featuring keynote addresses, interactive workshops, and panel discussions focused on the latest advancements in pediatric oncology. The event is also providing ample networking opportunities, allowing attendees to connect with peers and share valuable insights that could influence the future of cancer care for children.
Jennifer Geel, Head of Paediatric Haematology-Oncology at Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg Academic Hospital, shared some posts from the event:
One of the most important posters of the SIOP Congress
“In case you missed one of the most important posters of the SIOP Congress: therapy dogs! This has inspired me to get them into our unit.”
“VIPN: Physios get all the cool toys. The GAITRite away that has 80000 sensors embedded to objectively measure vincristine-induced neuropathy.”
Maite Gorostegui – Boss Lady of SIOP Global Mapping Programme
“Maite Gorostegui – Boss Lady of SIOP Global Mapping Programme. Passionate, dedicated, efficient – winning combination.”
Julia Challinor on SIOP Global Mapping Programme
“The inimitable, indefatigable Julia Challinor, adding to the discussion on SIOP Global Mapping Programme.”
“Nephroblastoma: Seems like one pulmonary nodule is one too many. Pulmonary burden does not predict outcome. 1q- denotes poor prognosis and will be used to prescribe radiation.”
“BURKITT: 2nd late breaker has wide relevance for parts of Africa with high incidence of Burkitt lymphoma. Now to work on the use of the term ‘sub-Saharan Africa’. ”
SNP array may be more accurate and less expensive than ‘traditional’ diagnostics
“ALL: SNP array may be more accurate and less expensive than ‘traditional’ diagnostics. In Africa these ‘trad’ methods still not available in most countries. ”
“BURKITT: New and ongoing partnerships to improve survival rates for children with BL in Africa.”
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