Claire Albano: Excellent discussions today at the Friends of Europe Health Summit in Brussels.
Oct 13, 2023, 16:44

Claire Albano: Excellent discussions today at the Friends of Europe Health Summit in Brussels.

Claire Albano, Director of European Government Affairs at Bristol Myers Squibb, shared on LinkedIn:

“Excellent discussions today at the Friends of Europe Health Summit in Brussels. Ridwaan Jhetam, Head of Worldwide Medical, Hematology at Bristol Myers Squibb joined a panel on healthcare digitalization, alongside Nasreen Anjum-Malik, Ricardo Baptista LeiteMaya Matthews and Tomislav Sokol.

Digitalization is accelerating discovery and development in medicines. It is making treatments more targeted and production more efficient. Ridwaan drew on his personal experience as a doctor with more than 20 years in the biopharmaceutical industry to illustrate how digitalization can transform cancer outcomes. The use of technologies like artificial intelligence, machine learning and mixed and augmented reality can play an important role to move towards greater equity and help patients prevail serious diseases.

The EHDS and the proposed revision to the EU General Pharma Legislation are key opportunities for EU policymakers to fully unleash the potential of digital health and move towards a future-proof scientific ecosystem that nurtures innovation in Europe.”

Source: Claire Albano/LinkedIn