September, 2024
September 2024
Francisco J. Esteva: The surprising truth about breast cancer in young women who are BRCA mutation carriers
Sep 9, 2024, 18:27

Francisco J. Esteva: The surprising truth about breast cancer in young women who are BRCA mutation carriers

Francisco J. Esteva shared on Linkedin:

”The surprising truth about breast cancer in young women who are BRCA mutation carriers. When we think of hormone receptor-positive breast cancer, we usually expect a better prognosis. But for young women with BRCA1/2 mutations, the story changes.

45.5% had hormone receptor-positive breast cancer.

54.5% had hormone receptor-negative disease.

Here’s what stood out:

1\. Recurrence patterns:

• More distant recurrences in hormone receptor-positive disease.

• More second primary cancers in hormone receptor-negative disease.

2\. Survival:

• 8-year disease-free survival: 65.8% for HR-positive vs. 63.4% for HR-negative.

• The gap closes after 5 years.

• Overall survival: Worse prognosis after 5 years for hormone receptor-positive patients.

3\. Tumor subtypes:

• Unlike the general population, luminal A-like tumors in BRCA carriers have the worst long-term prognosis.

4\. Prognostic value:

• Hormone receptor-positive status doesn’t hold the same protective value in BRCA carriers, particularly for those with luminal A-like disease.

Key takeaway: Women with hormone receptor-positive breast cancer in this group may benefit from escalated treatments, while BRCA1 carriers might consider risk-reducing surgery. This study sheds light on the need for tailored management for young BRCA carriers. It’s not one-size-fits-all anymore. What’s your take on this personalized approach to cancer care?

Let’s discuss.

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Source: Francisco J. Esteva/Linkedin