Alberto Ocana: CDK12 inhibitor for the treatment of colorectal cancer
Sep 4, 2024, 16:17

Alberto Ocana: CDK12 inhibitor for the treatment of colorectal cancer

Alberto Ocana shared on LinkedIn:

“Dear community,

For those interested in nanomedicine, I will like to share our last publication in which we explore a new liposomal formulation to encapsulate a CDK12 inhibitor for the treatment of colorectal cancer. Improving the delivery of novel agents is a main task in cancer research. Thanks to Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha Professor Carlos Alonso and Professor Ivan Bravo for their work in nanotechnology and biosensors and CRIS Cancer Foundation and IdISSC for their support”

Antitumoral activity of a CDK12 inhibitor in colorectal cancer through a liposomal formulation

Authors: Cristina Díaz-Tejeiro, María Arenas-Moreira, Adrián Sanvicente, Lucía Paniagua-Herranz, Pilar Clemente-Casares, Ivan Bravo, Carlos Alonso-Moreno, Cristina Nieto-Jiménez, Alberto Ocaña

Alberto Ocana: CDK12 inhibitor for the treatment of colorectal cancer

Source: Alberto Ocana/LinkedIn

Alberto Ocana MD, PhD is the Director of the CEU-START-INTHEOS Chair of Molecular Cancer Therapy at CEU Educational Group. He is also the Director preclinical research phase I program START, at Hospital Fundacion Jimenez Diaz. Previously, he was a professor at Complutense University of Madrid.