Munir Awol: Successfull decommissioning of cobalt60 radiotherapy machine Tikur Anbessa Hospital
Sep 3, 2024, 11:36

Munir Awol: Successfull decommissioning of cobalt60 radiotherapy machine Tikur Anbessa Hospital

Munir Awol, Assistant Professor of Clinical Oncology at Addis Ababa University, shared on LinkedIn:

“In preparation to install its second linear accelerator LINAC radiotherapy machine Tikuran bessa Hospital successfully completed a critical mission of decommissioning its old cobalt60 radiotherapy machine with a generous support from International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), IAEA Technical Cooperation Programme and MOH

A huge appreciation to experts from Necsa and Ethiopian technology authority.”

Munir Awol

Source: Munir Awol/LinkedIn