The beginning of Gold September – SIOP Europe
Sep 2, 2024, 06:54

The beginning of Gold September – SIOP Europe

SIOP Europe shared on LinkedIn:

“Today marks the beginning of Gold September – Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. But have you ever wondered why we use Gold and why September?

September is a month that symbolizes new beginnings for many children, as they return to school. However, this is not the reality for those battling cancer. During this month, we unite to raise awareness for all children and adolescents with cancer, using the symbol of the gold ribbon.

Why gold? Because gold represents something precious, just like our children. The gold ribbon is the universal symbol for all types of childhood cancers and it’s a reminder that children are our most valuable treasures.

Learn more and join us in raising awareness – our Go Gold toolkit has everything you need!”

SIOP Europe

Source: SIOP Europe/LinkedIn

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