March, 2025
March 2025
Keeping up with the WCLC24 with Coral Olazagasti
Sep 8, 2024, 12:50

Keeping up with the WCLC24 with Coral Olazagasti

The WCLC24 is taking place at the San Diego Convention Center from September 7 to 10, 2024.

Organized by the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC), this major conference is gathering leading experts, researchers, and oncologists to present and discuss the latest advancements in lung cancer research, treatment, and personalized therapies, fostering collaborative efforts towards overcoming the challenges of lung cancer.

Coral Olazagasti, Assistant Professor at the University of Miami, Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Centre, shared a few highlights from the conference.

Manuscript writing for non-native speakers takes significant amount of work, effort, and time

Dr. Stone Highlights an important fact: manuscript writing for non-native speakers takes significant amount of work, effort, and time.

It’s not always easy for us whose primary language is not easy but we really strive to be our best, learn, and grow.


The status of lung cancer in Māori populations

Such an insightful talk from Sue Crengle discussing the status of lung cancer in Māori populations in NZ Important to use epidemiology to tailor the starting age for screening to capture specific populations at risk.


Dr. Kozlovich talks disparities in LCS for LGBTQi

Another amazing talk at the LCS workshop Dr. Kozlovich talks disparities in LCS for LGBTQi.

Increased discrimination, increased stress is equal to increased tobacco use leading to increased rates of lung cancer.


  • Recognize the whole person that they are.
  • meet these communities where they’re at.


Community outreach for LCS

Such an exceptional talk by Efrén J. Flores, on community outreach for LCS.

Who better to tell us what works best for the community than the communities themselves?

  • Have conversations
  • Gather scientific data
  • Design interventions/ community led transformative care.

Ana I. Velázquez Mañana discussing how to reach a broad audience

My amazing friend Ana I. Velázquez Mañana discussed how to reach a broad audience.

  • Misinformation is out there and negatively affect health decisions.
  • We need to be mindful of what we’re going to say.
  • Know and understand your audience and tailor your message.


WCLC24 chairs Sandip Patel, Linda Martin, Fabio Moraes, and Narjust Florez

Our amazing IASLC, WCLC24 chairs Sandip Patel, Linda Martin, Fabio Moraes, and Narjust Florez.

Thank you for your commitment, dedication, and success in organizing an incredible 50th anniversary meeting.


Narjust Florez as a role model to all Latina’s in oncology

So incredibly proud of my amazing friend and mentor Narjust Florez who never ceases to amaze me

Thank you for being a role model to all Latina’s in oncology.

You make us want to reach for the stars and break every single glass ceiling.


Chinmay Jani receiving his IASLC award

Proud of Chinmay Jani for his IASLC award.

Your hard work and dedication are truly admirable.

We are lucky to have you!

Keeping up with the WCLC24 with Coral Olazagasti

Representing a nuestra islita dream-team.

Some might say I’m biased, but we have the most beautiful flag of all. I’m so so proud of where I come from boricuaenlaluna.

Keeping up with the WCLC24 with Coral Olazagasti

For more updates on WCLC24, visit