Sachin H. Jain: So many healthcare organizations suffer from a ‘say-do’ gap
May 5, 2024, 15:35

Sachin H. Jain: So many healthcare organizations suffer from a ‘say-do’ gap

Sachin H. Jain, President and CEO of SCAN Health Plan, shared on LinkedIn:

“So many healthcare organizations suffer from a ‘say-do’ gap.

They say they care about patients but they act in ways that suggest the opposite.

They say they want to be innovative but make it difficult to try anything new.

They say they care about the health and wellness of employees, but then fail to treat them right.

The challenge for healthcare leaders at every level is to fight to close the say-do gap.

To acknowledge the say-do tension that exists in every organization.

To fight every day to make the words matter.

To be deliberate in trying close the gap between aspiration and reality.

Because everyone notices when the words you say don’t match your actions.

And the roots of cynicism are the mismatch between what we say and what we do.”

Source: Sachin H. Jain/LinkedIn