Vivek Subbiah: Statisticians: Are you a frequentist or Bayesian?
May 14, 2024, 13:12

Vivek Subbiah: Statisticians: Are you a frequentist or Bayesian?

Vivek Subbiah shared a post on LinkedIn:

“Statisticians: Are you a frequentist or Bayesian?

Me: I’m methodology agnostic – in addition to being tumor agnostic, age agnostic, biomarker agnostic drug developer. I’m okay with any method that can give the right answer in the quickest time with the fewest patient population.

Statisticians: Laughter…. ??

Me: For me, it’s about embracing both as distinct approaches tailored to different decision-making and reasoning styles. It’s not about preference, but about leveraging the right method for the right problem at the right time for the right patient population delivering the ultimate precision medicine.

My first time at the University of Connecticut campus!
So honored to deliver the opening keynote at Stat4Onc Annual meeting!
‘Transforming Healthcare with Basket Trials and Patient-Centric Tissue-agnostic Precision Medicine: A Visionary Approach’

Grateful for the warm reception from all the brilliant statisticians in oncology – academia, industry, FDA, and many institutions.

Such an inspiring gathering and amazing Q and A session! Thank you for the invitation!”

Source: Vivek Subbiah/LinkedIn