Giannis Mountzios: Lorlatinib in ALK positive NSCLC sets a new benchmark in Precision Oncology
Jun 2, 2024, 11:16

Giannis Mountzios: Lorlatinib in ALK positive NSCLC sets a new benchmark in Precision Oncology

Giannis Mountzios, Medical Oncologist at the Department of Medical Oncology in the Air Force General Hospital, Athens, recently shared on X:

“For the 1st time in the history of Thoracic Oncology a molecular agent confers a median PFS exceeding 5 years in metastatic disease! Lorlatinib in ALK-positive NSCLC with the CROWN study sets a new benchmark in Precision Oncology!

Deserve to celebrate!”

Source: Giannis Mountzios/X