October, 2024
October 2024
Nicola Ferrari: Principles and therapeutic applications of adaptive immunity
Apr 29, 2024, 15:30

Nicola Ferrari: Principles and therapeutic applications of adaptive immunity

Nicola Ferrari, Translational Science Lead at AstraZeneca, made the following post on LinkedIn:

“Principles and therapeutic applications of adaptive immunity

Discover the fundamental principles driving adaptive immunity and its implications for disease therapies in this must-read review.

– Adaptive immunity provides protection against infectious and malignant diseases. These effects are mediated by lymphocytes that sense and respond with targeted precision to perturbations induced by pathogens and tissue damage.

– Adaptive immunity may hold the key to understanding and curing a broad spectrum of human diseases. This notion is best exemplified by the successes in vaccine development for infectious disease, immunotherapies for cancer, and cytokine-targeting therapies for inflammatory diseases.

– Basic research and fundamental discoveries using animal models (e.g., immune checkpoint molecules, inflammatory cytokines, and Th17 cells) have laid the foundation for innovative immunotherapies and clinical translation.

– Aside from this traditional bench-to-bedside translation, bedside-to-bench is being increasingly applied. In particular, with the advances in high-throughput technologies, the use of human patient-derived materials has moved beyond observational phenotyping to in-depth mechanistic investigation of disease state and precision medicine.

– The intersection of adaptive immunity with biology, physiology, technology, and therapy has produced major breakthroughs and transformed biological and clinical sciences, and we are undoubtedly on the brink of many more breakthroughs in the next half century.”

Nicola Ferrari

Read further.
Source: Nicola Ferrari/LinkedIn