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Rajkumar Venkatramani: I got rejected and it was the best thing that happened to me
Apr 12, 2024, 05:40

Rajkumar Venkatramani: I got rejected and it was the best thing that happened to me

Rajkumar Venkatramani, Section Chief of Oncology at Texas Children’s Hospital, shared a post on LinkedIn:

“I got rejected and it was the best thing that happened to me. In my first year of training in USA, I worked under a senior doctor who criticized my knowledge. This criticism was partly due to cultural differences.

In India, where I’m from, respecting elders and listening more than speaking is common. But in the U.S., being vocal and assertive is valued, and I was still adjusting to this. The problem was that this doctor, who specialized in blood clots, was someone I hoped would mentor me in that field. But he said no.

This rejection felt like a big roadblock in my career path. Instead of giving up, I shifted my focus to pediatric oncology. This new path wasn’t just a different medical specialty; it completely changed my career direction.

Pediatric oncology is one of the toughest fields due to the rarity of some cancers and the lack of established treatments. I took on this challenge and worked hard to become an expert.

Now, I’m known as a leader in treating rare pediatric cancers, with people from all over the world seeking my advice. The lesson here? Life often has different, bigger plans for us. All it asks for is patience and the willingness to see beyond immediate setbacks.

It’s about finding the strength to face rejection, and understanding that setbacks are just preparations for a comeback. This approach doesn’t make life easier. But it promises a more fulfilling journey with continuous growth and unexpected opportunities. Are you up for that?”

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Source: Rajkumar Venkatramani/LinkedIn