Appreciated this 📰 by Dr. Katie Lichter outlining overlooked radiation oncology climate concerns – Fumiko Ladd Chino
Aug 9, 2023, 20:06

Appreciated this 📰 by Dr. Katie Lichter outlining overlooked radiation oncology climate concerns – Fumiko Ladd Chino

🌍♻️ Appreciated this 📰 by Dr. Katie Lichter outlining overlooked radonc climate concerns, in this case sulfur hexafluoride gas. Putting this in perspective is important:

☢️ 1 year of 15k linacs with SF6 leaks is = 🚗 to 1 year emissions from 14k cars.

Appreciated this 📰 by Dr. Katie Lichter outlining overlooked radiation oncology climate concerns - Fumiko Ladd Chino

For the article: Click here
Source: Fumiko Ladd Chino / Twitter