Highlights from SBGCC2025
The 19th St.Gallen International Breast Cancer Conference took place at the Austria Center Vienna from March 12 – 15, 2025. The Conference featured updates on all relevant facets of EBC care as well as state of the art lectures and hot topic debates and concluded with the renowned St.Gallen Consensus Session which formulates the world’s foremost experts’ recommendations to treat EBC around the globe.
The conference attracted over 3,000 delegates from more than 90 countries, reflecting its global significance in the field of breast cancer research and treatment.
Komal Jhaveri shared on LinkedIn:
“Honored to be a part of this concensus panel for early stage Breast Cancer craft fully moderated by Harold Burstein. Thanks for inviting me Michael Gnant, Giuseppe Curigliano, Harold Burstein.”
“Some of the interesting consensus votes at St Gallen Breast cancer congress. Useful for those who treat breast cancer patients.”
“Live from the SGBCC 2025!
The 19th St. Gallen International Breast Cancer Conference (SGBCC 2025) – one of the world’s most important scientific events for the treatment of breast cancer! From March 12 to 15, 2025, international experts met at the Austria Center Vienna to discuss the latest research findings, innovative treatment approaches and current consensus recommendations.
This conference has been setting standards in oncology for almost four decades. Originally launched in the Swiss Alps, it has developed into a global meeting place for leading scientists, oncologists and physicians. In addition to top-class lectures and intensive expert discussions, we can also look forward to the St. Gallen International Breast Cancer Consensus Session, which shapes decisive guidelines for clinical practice worldwide.
As one of the conference chairs, I was really looking forward to exciting days full of knowledge transfer, scientific exchange and valuable encounters!
Some power women and GBG Forschungs GmbH board members traveled to Vienna to be part of this great event as well.
Who else was there? ”
“What an incredible experience at 19th St.Gallen International Breast Cancer Conference 2025!
What an honor to attend such a prestigious event, featuring an extraordinary lineup of high-profile speakers. It was a proud moment to see many of our distinguished editors and editorial board members among them. A special shoutout to the ‘Voice of China’ and ‘Voice of India’ sessions that showcased groundbreaking breast cancer research from these vital regions.
We also held an Editorial Board Meeting of our journal Breast Care at 7:30 on Friday morning. A big thank you to all the board members who got up extra early for this meeting and contributed to the open and constructive discussions.
Looking forward to the results of the consensus session on Saturday! A brief summary will be published very soon in Breast Care. Exciting times ahead! ”
“SGBCC2025 Conference Evening
Over 200 guests enjoyed a wonderful night at Weltmuseum Wien, featuring inspiring talks and networking. Thank you to all who contributed! ”
“Masterful presentation on surrogate endpoints for early breast cancer trials by Giuseppe Curiglian. Critical to consider the association between trial endpoints and OS to understand and predict the impact of drugs in the curative setting.”
“Excellent discussion by Kevin Kalinsky about if there is a need for chemotherapy in premenopausal pts Chemo recommended: Regardless of age if RS>30 If≤50, RS>21 (RSClin can help ) Postmenopausal: 2+ LN + high risk fx + ≥4LN.”
“Fools rush where angles fear to trade . Classic talk by Dr David Cameron. Will cdk inhibitors cure more patients?”
“‘Mastectomy is not better. Do not hide behind pt wish. We have a responsibility to provide clear information and education.’ – Michael Gnant (dear readers—he is pro patient; he is saying we can hear, reflect & educate to ensure the decision is not on false belief, fear.) ”
“What a fantastic talk by super Virginia Kaklamani at SGBCC2025 conference highlighting how a meeting like SABCS can help reducing Breast Cancer burden…so much looking forward to SABCS25. ”
“Dr Monica Morrow from Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center at the SGBCC: ‘There is no ‘all’ in breast cancer treatment recommendations.’ A suitable epigram for the entire conference that speaks to how treatments are individualized by tumor stage, biology, and Rx options, and patient preferences.”
“Discussion on extrapolating RxPONDER trial results to clinical practice at SGBCC2025:
Perfect split between no chemo, TC, and AC/T recommendations for postmenopausal women with ER+/PR+/HER2- disease and RS=13 but with 4+ nodes. Real-world decisions still challenging!”
“Wonderful talk by Nadia Harbeck on treatment approaches for early stage HER2+ BC–> nice work on tailoring therapy to the individual patient. ”
“SGBCC2025 controversial polling: Axillary management after neoadjuvant chemotherapy with minimal residual disease:
Strong preference for radiation alone in both ER+ (58%) and HER2+ (69%) scenarios. A growing consensus toward less invasive axillary management strategies?”
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