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March 2025
Top 10 GI cancer studies for 2024 suggested by Sharlene Gill
Jan 1, 2025, 09:33

Top 10 GI cancer studies for 2024 suggested by Sharlene Gill

Sharlene Gill, Medical Oncologist and Medical Director, Staff Wellness and Engagement at BC Cancer, shared a post on X:

“Countdown to a New Year – it was a productive year for GI Oncology with promising advances for our patients.

Here are my picks for the top10 GI cancer studies for 2024 (in no particular order).”

1. Checkmate 8HW (Andre et al).

CM8HW CRC in American Society of Clinical Oncology and The New England Journal of Medicine.

GI24 dMMR mCRC – nivo + ipi1  n=303 centrally confirmed dMMR mCRC 1L  2years PFS 72% nivo + ipi1 vs 14% chemotherapy, PFS HR 0.21, p<0.00 per earlier BMS release, combination is superior to nivo arm but awaiting data – in whom?

By how much?

Toxicity different?

Sharlene Gill

2. NICHE 2 (Myriam Chalabi et al).

NICHE 2 CRC Neoadjuvant immunotherapy in locally advanced MMR-deficient colon cancer in The European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) and The New England Journal of Medicine.

Chalabiplot 3-year disease-free survival from NICHE-2.


DFS all patients achieved rapid ctDNA clearance 3 weeks post surgery.

Sharlene Gill

3. TRANSMET (Adam et al).

TRANSMET CRC in American Society of Clinical Oncology and The Lancet.

Chemotherapy +/- OLTx in definitvely unresectable liver metastases

<65years, no BRAFmut, CEA <80

 n=94, 15% R-sided, median 20 tumours, 60% 3+L of chemotherapy 36/47 went on to OL treatment.

5years OS ITT 57% vs 13%, HR0.37 (73% vs 9% per-protocol).  

42% (n=15) NED after 5 years of FU.

Sharlene Gill

4. PODIUM303/InterAACT2 (Rao et al) HCC.

PODIUM-303/InterAACT2 analca in The European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO).

n=308, phase 31L advanced anal SCC carbo/taxolx6 +/- PD1-retifanlimab 1:1 (with crossover 35%).

n=308, ~75%F, ~80%M1, 3% HIV+,90% PDL1+.

mPFS 9.3 v 7.4m, HR 0.63, p=0.0006 (primary).

mOS (interim) 29.2 vs 23m, HR 0.70, p=0.0273.

ORR 56% vs 44%.

Sharlene Gill

5. Checkmate 9DW (Galle et al) ESO STC.

Checkmate 9DW HCC in American Society of Clinical Oncology.

Phase 3 Nivo1+ipi3 q3w maint nivo/TKI VS len85%/sor15% in 1L aHCC.

n=668, CP-A, PS 0-1.

ORR 36% (7%CR) vs 13%, durable.

mOS 23.7m vs 20.6m, HR0.79, p0.018.

2nd study to show 20m mOS with len (LEAP017).

Numerically better mOS cf IMBRAVE150 and STRIDE.

12 v 3 treatment-related deaths.

QoL maintained.

Sharlene Gill

6. ESOPEC (Hoeppner et al).

ESOPEC ESO in American Society of Clinical Oncology.

Plenary ASCO24.

Phase 3 neoadjuvant FLOT v CROSS loc adv EAC.

N=438, 80%cN+.

3years OS 58% FLOT V 50%, CROSS HR 0.7.

pCR 17% v 10%.

FLOT wins.

Sharlene Gill

7. TOP GEAR (Leong et al) NETs.

TOPGEAR ESO STC Phase 3 – periop CTx with or without preop CRT for resectable gastric cancer in The European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO), The New England Journal of Medicine, GI Cancer Institute and AGITG and The Canadian Cancer Trials Group.

N= 574 patients.

33% FLOT.

pCR 167vs 78%.

PFS 31 vs 31 months.

mOS 46 vs 49 moths.

Adding preOP CRT improves pCR rate and downstaging, but not survival.

Sharlene Gill

8. NETTER-2 (Singh et al).

CABINET NET phase3 cabozantinib vs placebo in pre-treated advanced Neuroendocrine NETs in American Society of Clinical Oncology.

Results presented by BICR for epNET and pNET.

ORR by BICR 5% vs 0 in epNET, 19% vs 0 in pNET.

PFS HR 0.38 in epNET, HR 0.23 in pNET.

Sharlene Gill

9. CABINET (Chan et al) Supportive Care.

NETTER-2 NET Phase 3 Lutathera in adv SSTR+ hi G2 & G3 GEP-NETs (Ki67 10-55%) GI24 in American Society of Clinical Oncology and The Lancet.

 PFS HR 0.27 (p<0.0001).

 ORR 43%*.

Sharlene Gill

10. Ponsegromab for cachexia (Groake et al).

Ponsegromab for Treatment of Cancer Cachexia.

RDB ph II ponsegromab, novel anti-GDF15 mAB, increased weight gain, overall physical activity and reduced cachexia symptoms in The European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) and The New England Journal of Medicine.


32% pancreatic, 29% colorectal, 40% lung.

Median 2.81kg wt gain at 12 weeks in 400mg sc q4w group.

Sharlene Gill



Sharlene Gill

Dr. Sharlene Gill is a Professor of Medicine at the University of British Columbia and a medical oncologist specializing in gastrointestinal (GI) malignancies at BC Cancer – Vancouver, Canada. Dr. Gill serves as the Chair of the Canadian Clinical Trials Group (CCTG) GI Disease Site Committee and Chair of the UBC Department of Medicine Mentoring Committee. She is the Editor-in-Chief for Current Oncology and is the President of the Canadian Association of Medical Oncologists. Her TEDx talk in 2022 on ‘How to Flip the Script on Cancer’ delivered her passion for patient advocacy and empowerment.

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