October, 2024
October 2024
CANCaRe Africa – Voice of the families 12
Jul 6, 2024, 13:55

CANCaRe Africa – Voice of the families 12

CANCaRe Africa shared on LinkedIn:

“Voice of the families. Post #12: Peter and his father

Please meet Natukunda Peter. He is a 5-year-old boy from Kabale district, about 150 km and a 2-hour drive from Mbarara Regional Referral Hospital in western Uganda. He is a second born child in a family of three children; all are alive and live together with their parents, who are both farmers. They grow Irish and sweet potatoes mainly for domestic use and sell the surplus.

Peter was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (cancer of the blood) 2 months ago and started on treatment that requires him to be in the hospital most of the time. He was enrolled in the Zero Abandonment from Start to Finish programme, which supports children with cancer and their families with out-of-pocket costs, to enable them complete treatment.

Due to the time dedicated to the child in the hospital, the parents have had less time for farming.However, they haven’t missed any day of their treatment. The father is so thankful for the financial support from the programme since his income had reduced due to the   time spent in the hospital.

Peter is a pleasant boy and the whole team at the hospital hopes for his complete recovery.

Appropriate consent given.”

Source: CANCaRe Africa/LinkedIn