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October 2024
By activating grassroots volunteers nationwide ACS CAN fights cancer in city halls, statehouses, and Congress
Jun 15, 2024, 06:48

By activating grassroots volunteers nationwide ACS CAN fights cancer in city halls, statehouses, and Congress

Lisa A. Lacasse, President at American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network, shared a post by American Cancer Society – Californiaon LinkedIn:

“A BIG Thank You to Jesse Nodora, American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) Legislative Ambassador and P Kay Coleman, long-time ACS CAN Board Member and CA Legislative Ambassador for your relentless advocacy and commitment to our work in California and beyond!”

Quoting American Cancer Society – California’s post:

“Meet Jesse Nodora, ACS CAN CA Legislative Ambassador and Associate Professor at UC San Diego School of Medicine, and P Kay Coleman, Treasurer ACS CAN National Board of Directors and ACS CAN CA Legislative Ambassador.

Last year in California ACS CAN:

  • Led the effort to remove co-pay for colorectal cancer screenings to increase screening rates in California and nationally.
  • Helped expand biomarker testing coverage.
  • Engaged 91 residents in VIVE’s advocacy activities in Imperial and Riverside counties.
  • Helped end the sale of flavored tobacco.
  • Engaged 59 cities in campaigns to strengthen local tobacco prevention and control policies.

By activating grassroots volunteers nationwide like Jesse and Kay, American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) fights cancer in city halls, statehouses, and Congress by elevating the patient voice to advance policy change. We are making cancer a national priority through our advocacy efforts:

  • We ensure that funding the cancer fight remains a top priority to drive innovation in cancer screening, diagnostics, and treatment.
  • We are working to reduce the tobacco burden, still a leading cause of preventable cancer death.
  • We are working to increase access to care, which is essential for people facing cancer.
  • We are working to increase clinical trial enrollment opportunities for people of color, who are often underrepresented.
  • We are working to address the economic burden of cancer.
  • We’re removing barriers to early cancer detection, regardless of ability to pay.

To contribute, visit donate.cancer.org. Learn more about our advocacy work at fightcancer.org. To volunteer for ACS CAN, visit fightcancer.org/volunteer.”

Source: Lisa A. Lacasse/LinkedIn and  American Cancer Society – California/LinkedIn

Lisa Lacasse, President of the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN), has an impactful leadership in healthcare advocacy. Leading ACS CAN’s nationwide public policy advocacy agenda with her oversight of a dedicated team in Washington, D.C., she ensures effective advocacy efforts at the highest levels.

Beyond her role at ACS CAN, Lacasse’s commitment to public health extends to serving on the board for the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids. Her approach and dedication continue to drive positive change in the fight against cancer and tobacco-related diseases.