Balraj Sethi: Research Refresher with Prof Nirmala Bhoo Pathy
May 27, 2024, 08:19

Balraj Sethi: Research Refresher with Prof Nirmala Bhoo Pathy

Balraj Sethi, Country Medical Affairs Head at Novartis, shared a post on LinkedIn:

“Sharpening the Saws: Research Refresher with Prof Nirmala Bhoo Pathy MD PhD

Our medical affairs team recently had the privilege of spending two days with renowned local epidemiologist, Prof. Nirmala Bhoo Pathy MD PhD for a deep dive into research methodology fundamentals.

This wasn’t just a textbook refresher! Prof guided us through the art of crafting a strong research question, a critical first step for any successful project. We also had the opportunity to delve into several of our current projects with Prof’s expert eye, gaining valuable insights and guidance.

This investment in our team’s research skills will not only strengthen our ongoing projects but also equip us to tackle future challenges with greater confidence. By honing our research capabilities, we’re getting one step closer to being a more data-driven country, poised to make informed decisions for better health outcomes.”

Source: Balraj Sethi/LinkedIn