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March 2025
Rui Amaral Mendes: Finalised agenda for the OPMDay
May 18, 2024, 05:18

Rui Amaral Mendes: Finalised agenda for the OPMDay

Rui Amaral Mendes, Professor of the Department of Community Medicine, Information and Health Decision Sciences of Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade do Porto, shared a post on LinkedIn:

“I’m thrilled to announce the finalised agenda for the OPMDay, which I will be hosting on June 6th and 7th at the Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade do Porto.

This two-day meeting will bring together leading experts from around the world to discuss the latest advancements and research in the diagnosis and management of Oral Potentially Malignant Disorders (OPMDs), in what might be regarded as a cornerstone event for those involved in the treatment and research of these lesions. Among the distinguished speakers:

Giovanni Lodi, from the Università degli Studi di Milano
WM Tilakaratne, from the University of Malaya
Omar Kujan, from the The University of Western Australia
Sook-Bin Woo, from Harvard University
Miguel Angel Gonzalez Moles, from the Universidad de Granada
Senada Koljenovic, from the University of Antwerp
Irena Duś-Ilnicka, from the Wroclaw Medical University
and Rui Medeiros, Chair of the Liga Portuguesa Contra o Cancro and President of the Association of European Cancer Leagues .

These experts will delve into various topics, from biomarkers and biological mechanisms to clinical and pathological challenges and innovative therapeutic strategies, and will be joined by junior researchers who will also have the opportunity to share their current and groundbreaking studies, adding fresh perspectives to the discussions.

The OPMDay serves as the main annual event of the INTERCEPTOR project, a collective endeavour funded by the COST Association – European Cooperation in Science and Technology, which aims to expand the knowledge on OPMDs and oral carcinogenesis and, hence, to promote the early detection and prevention of oral cancer.

Venue: Auditório CIM da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade do Porto, Portugal
Dates: June 6th and 7th, 2024″

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Source: Rui Amaral Mendes/LinkedIn