Ani Haykuni: Do whatever you would like to do and dedicate it to someone affected by cancer through our platform
Ani Haykuni, Founder and CEO of Vann, shared on LinkedIn:
“Exciting news!
A few weeks ago, we announced our ‘Make a Smile’ global campaign at Vann, and invited people and organizations from around the world to show their support and share their love and motivation with people affected by cancer.
Yerevan Botanical Garden has joined our campaign and held the ‘Herbarium‘ workshop a few days ago.
About five dozen people not only got acquainted with the Herbarium collection of the Institute of Botany and made their own herbarium, but also dedicated their work to our users affected by cancer globally through our web app platform.
The ‘Herbarium‘ workshop was a joint initiative of Vann and the Yerevan Botanical Garden with a special message: Give a smile!
Vann gives everyone the opportunity to send their warmth and love to people who need it regardless of nationality and country.
You can also have your positive impact on the lives of others living with cancer and dedicate your free gift through our webapp or our mobile app (Links are below).
Just hold an activity, it can be a walk, run, hike or whatever you would like to do, write an encouraging message and dedicate it to someone affected by cancer through our platform.
You can download our mobile app here:
Our webapp.
Our company website.”
Source: Ani Haykuni/LinkedIn
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