Janine E. Guglielmino: Today is my final day at Living Beyond Breast Cancer.
Quoting Janine E. Guglielmino, the Vice President of Mission Delivery at Living Beyond Breast Cancer, on LinkedIn:
“After 22 amazing, invigorating, hopeful, heartbreaking, and inspiring years, today is my final day at Living Beyond Breast Cancer. It has been the honor and privilege of a lifetime to work in service of people impacted by breast cancer.
In many ways, I grew up both professionally and personally at LBBC. I accepted the role within weeks of 9/11, grateful to be able to leave Washington, DC, for a fresh start. Because I had helped a dear friend through her treatment, I naively believed I understood breast cancer. I am deeply grateful to Jean Sachs and Cathy Ormerod for their trust in me before I had earned it—and I am beyond humbled to have earned that trust from many of those living with breast cancer.
Of all the gifts I will take from my years working in this community, the relationships and friendships are what I value most. Thank you to every person with breast cancer who has ever trusted me to listen or to provide support during your most vulnerable moments. Thank you to the many healthcare professionals who generously shared their expertise with me. And thank you to my incredible colleagues for all you do every day for people with breast cancer, for lifting me up when I felt like falling down.
As always, I am grateful for the opportunity to serve, and I plan to find ways to continue to do so. I look forward to staying connected, and I hope you’ll come along with me as I open the book on my next chapter.
If you are so inclined, as a final gift to our community I would like to raise some money to continue LBBC’s good works. You can give $22 here to honor my time at LBBC:”
Source: Janine E. Guglielmino/LinkedIn
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