March, 2025
March 2025
E. Shyam P. Reddy: Exploring Physical Activity and Creativity
Dec 3, 2024, 04:55

E. Shyam P. Reddy: Exploring Physical Activity and Creativity

E. Shyam P. Reddy, Professor and Director of the Cancer Biology Program in the Department of OB/GYN at the Morehouse School of Medicine, posted the following on LinkedIn:

“Beyond health, physical activity (PA) is associated with better creative ideation performance. People who are habitually more physically active produce more original ideas when asked to think creatively about an alternative use of an everyday object such as a brick.

This aligns with findings indicating a positive relationship of PA with more basic cognition, such as memory, attention, as well as executive functioning.

However, to the best of our knowledge, to date, no empirical research examined the link between PA (or inactivity) and real-life creative behavior.

Therefore, this study investigated how objective and subjective assessments of PA relate to creative activities and achievements.

In a sample of 156 participants wearing a mobile sensor for up to five consecutive days, less sedentary behavior and more moderate-to-vigorous PA were associated with more frequent creative activities.

A similar pattern of associations occurred for self-rated habitual PA, which explained additional and unique variance of creative activities as well as creative achievements.

For objective PA (assessed via sensor), we did not find associations with creative achievements, openness, and creative behavior. The results of this study suggest that the positive effects of habitual PA may generalize from better health, cognition, and creative ideation performance outcomes to more real-life creative behavior such as cooking original dishes and making music.”

Habitual physical activity is related to more creative activities and achievements

Authors: Christian Rominger, Andreas Fink, Corinna M. Perchtold-Stefan, Mathias Benedek & Andreas R. Schwerdtfeger

E. Shyam P. Reddy: Exploring Physical Activity and Creativity