Wen Shen Looi: I am so proud of our first paediatric patient Reon Tan for completing his course of proton therapy for craniopharyngioma.
Oct 7, 2023, 01:27

Wen Shen Looi: I am so proud of our first paediatric patient Reon Tan for completing his course of proton therapy for craniopharyngioma.

Wen Shen Looi, Consultant at National Cancer Centre Singapore, made the following post on LinkedIn:

“I am so proud of our first paediatric patient Reon Tan for completing his course of proton therapy for craniopharyngioma. It’s been such a tough journey for him! He’s such a brave boy and has amazing parents. I’m glad to have been able to work with my esteemed colleague, Dr. Sharon Low Yin Yee, who is the Head of neurosurgery at KKH. It’s been amazingly satisfying applying the skills I gained during my paediatric proton fellowship at the University of Florida Proton Therapy Institute.

Source: Wen Shen Looi/LinkedIn