Dégi László Csaba: European Cancer Summit, our unique flagship event
Dégi László Csaba,
European Cancer Organisation shared a post on Linkedin:“FROM ECO PRESIDENT: APPROACHING RAPIDLY It’s hard to believe but the calendar never lies: We’re now less than four months from the European Cancer Summit, our unique flagship event.
I have been attending these gatherings for the past seven years and each one is special. Each one is different. Each one provides fresh perspectives and fosters new relationships that have a profound impact on my work and my overall approach to cancer care throughout the year.
I don’t know of any other meeting which is so highly focused on cancer policy.
This year’s programme, entitled ‘United Against Cancer: Forging New Frontiers’, stresses the importance of collaboration to take European cancer care to the next level.
The tagline is especially apt as we now welcome a newly-elected European Parliament and watch closely as it charts its course for the next five years.
One thing I have discovered over the years is that you must always be open to learn, adapt, and introduce new initiatives to get your mission accomplished. And no mission can be accomplished if you can’t bring all the stakeholders together at the same table.
We recognise the importance of Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan, but it needs to be continued. And even if the political landscape is shifting, and a new EU Health Commissioner will soon be appointed, and other changes may be in store, we still have a mission to pursue, and emphasising unity is vitally important.
This year’s Summit will once again feature the leading voices in cancer policy, but it will also introduce plenty of up-and-coming personalities within our community – new faces, new stakeholders, new politicians who are eager to embrace parts of our policy mission.
I hope you will meet as many of these colleagues as possible during the coffee breaks and networking drinks.
The Summit this year will also include a ‘legacy session’: taking a moment to reflect on the passing of some of our more prominent members; and there will be a ‘taking stock session’ on the Beating Cancer Plan: where we’ve been, what was achieved, and what’s next.
This will be led by our dear friend and outgoing EU Health Commissioner Stella Kyriakides, and it should be especially informative.
When the curtain comes down on the Summit, it will quickly rise again for an exciting Showcase Event the following day, 22 November, at the same venue.
It will mark the end of smartCARE (creating a digital app prototype to improve the quality of life for cancer survivors) and PROTECT-EUROPE (introducing more effective approaches to expand HPV vaccination across Europe). There are so many lessons to be learned from each project and we’re eager to share them.
With my very best wishes for a safe, restful, and enjoyable summer,
Prof. Csaba Dégi.”
Source: Dégi László Csaba/LinkedIn
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