Maite Gorostegui: It doesn’t matter where you live, watch our videos about the importance of local research
Mar 6, 2024, 11:30

Maite Gorostegui: It doesn’t matter where you live, watch our videos about the importance of local research

Maite Gorostegui, Chair of the SIOP Global Mapping Programme, shared a post on X/Twitter:

“Are you a paediatrician, nurse, psychologist, physiotherapist, interested in pediatric global oncology?It doesn’t matter where you live, start following now CANCaRe Africa, and watch our videos about the importance of local research. Get involved! OncoDaily, Young SIOP and POINTE.”

Maite Gorostegui: It doesn't matter where you live, watch our videos about the importance of local research

Source: Maite Gorostegui/X