Isabel Mestres: Join the City Cancer Challenge network of cities to harness local innovation for global impact in cancer care!
Dec 17, 2023, 16:05

Isabel Mestres: Join the City Cancer Challenge network of cities to harness local innovation for global impact in cancer care!

Isabel Mestres, CEO at City Cancer Challenge Foundation, shared on LinkedIn:

“Join the City Cancer Challenge network of cities to harness local innovation for global impact in cancer care! Why cities?

Back in 2017, we felt massive resistance to our disruptive idea that cities could drive change to improve access to cancer care. Why cities? – I used to get this question in every single interaction about C/Can.

We all agree that cancer is complex, it represents an urgent global equity gap, and a comprehensive health system response is required.

At C/Can, we believe cities represent a unique ecosystem to precisely identify challenges faced by complex and fragmented health systems in LMICs and implement contextualized, locally-led projects to overcome them.

Through cities, we can:

1. Unpack the complexity of cancer through concrete steps.
2. Address it from a health system perspective on a manageable scale, ensuring efficiency and quality across the system.
3. Identify the best interventions to scale up nationally and across other cities and countries, thereby reducing the global care gap.

We’re proud to stand alongside 14 cities and countries that are committed to changing and improving cancer care. We are now inviting additional cities to join the challenge and embrace innovation in the fight against this challenge. Cities that meet specific criteria can join C/Can and embark on a transformative journey. Check the criteria here.

Are you ready to take your city to new heights and join us on this transformative journey? We’re not just improving access to equitable cancer care; we’re empowering healthcare professionals to address global critical gaps in healthcare systems. Let’s work together to make a real difference!

Take Your City Further is more than just a call. Apply here before 15 January 2024.”

Isabel Mestres: Join the City Cancer Challenge network of cities to harness local innovation for global impact in cancer care!

Source: Isabel Mestres/LinkedIn