March, 2025
March 2025
Loay Kassem: Not all patients who fail on immunotherapy have poor prognosis
Mar 11, 2025, 13:51

Loay Kassem: Not all patients who fail on immunotherapy have poor prognosis

Loay Kassem, Assistant Professor of Clinical Oncology at Kasr AlAiny School of Medicine, shared a post on LinkedIn:

“Not all patients who fail on immunotherapy have poor prognosis.

I have seen many patients whose cancer progress on immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs), yet having good prognosis and good survival after progression. On the other hand, another group of patients deteriorate rapidly following this. The question is: can we predict the survival post ICIs?

An analysis of 1377 patient streated with atezolizumab in phase 3 trials for different cancers recently published in JAMA Oncology. In this analysis, different progressive disease (PD) patterns were analysed. The 6-month OS probability ranged from 26%for progression in target and nontarget lesions plus new lesions to 90% for progression in either target or nontarget lesions alone.

A modified PD classification was developed that categorized PD into 3 risk levels: low risk (progression of existing lesions), intermediate risk (newlesions without progression of existing lesions), and high risk (progression of existing lesions plus new lesions). This score was associated with OS in ICI-treated RCC, with hazard ratios of 0.23 and 0.39 for low-risk and intermediate-risk PD compared with high-risk PD.”

Loay Kassem: Not all patients who fail on immunotherapy have poor prognosis