Yüksel Ürün: The ctDNA clearance during definitive SOC therapy is associated with improved outcome
Dec 2, 2023, 15:23

Yüksel Ürün: The ctDNA clearance during definitive SOC therapy is associated with improved outcome

Yüksel Ürün, Medical Oncologist at Ankara University, shared on X/Twitter:

A study shows combining circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) analysis with radiological tumor volume can better predict relapse risk in early-stage non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC).

Pre-operative or post-surgical ctDNA after definitive Standard of Care (SOC) treatments, are both predictive of relapse and overall survival in early-stage NSCLC. The ctDNA clearance during SOC therapy is associated with improved outcome.”

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Source: Yüksel Ürün/Twitter